An Open Letter to Jared and Ivanka

Dear Jared and IvankaBS”D, with the assistance of Heaven

Dear Jared and Ivanka, עמו”ש, May you live to one hundred and twenty years.

Mazal Tov on your new position in the administration.

We trust and hope that this administration, with your assistance, will truly make America great once again.

Greatness, of course, is not just an economic or military term. It is a term that encompasses moral greatness as well. It implies greatness in standing up for our moral responsibilities, and in the commitment to doing what is just and right. As religious Jews, greatness means sanctifying G-d’s Name, being a conduit of Kiddush Hashem – doing what G-d wants of us.

Yours is an appreciatively difficult position. As an advisor and family member of the most powerful man in the world, your every actions can have significant repercussions. How does one undo, for example, the handing over of the keys to nuclear mayhem to the sworn enemies of Israel, where a vast majorities of your brethren live? Will the new administration continue to supply Israel with the supply of life-saving technologies of Iron Dome and the like?

In your new capacity, you have to make very difficult decisions, having to do both with Halacha as well as with serving as an example for others ,in your roles as the most famous Sabbath-observing couple in the world. You have been posing your questions to your Rabbinic advisors, as you should be.

This past week. you had posed a question about being driven by a gentile on Shabbos regarding the inaugural balls, and issues of safety. You must deal with the secret service, the mood of the president, other people or elements within the administration that may not be on your side or even are jealous of you. There are probably issues that cannot be raised or discussed in a public forum, such as concerns about angering the government and such.

There have been great precedents in the Talmud about certain Rabbinic restrictions being lessened when the great sages of Israel travelled to Rome. And although it is still very controversial, a recently released responsum from Rabbi Eliezer Berkowitz, also permitted – under very specific and unique circumstances entering a church. The vast majority of halachic authorities do not agree with this position, but we assume that your Rabbis relied upon it for you, under your unique circumstances.

These rationales were probably not released to the public under fear that others may copy it, applying it where it may not and should not be applied.

Regardless, there is great opportunity for Kiddush Hashem, sanctifying the great Name of G-d, in the weeks, months and years that lay ahead. Standing up for President Trump’s labelling ISIS as pure evil that must be wiped out, where thousands of innocents are mercilessly murdered is one example. Another example, may be found in the prayer of HaNosain Teshuah, where we pray for the welfare of the government. You can undo the damage that has been done by those who have undermined this prayer in their demeaning and denouncing of the current administration. It should, of course, only be demonstrated in a manner where Shabbos observance remains completely intact – but it is a great opportunity for Kiddush Hashem. In the coming years, you will have opportunities of great Kiddush Hashem in Kashrus, in the Jewish education of your children, in Shabbos observance, prayer, the Yomim Tovim, advising in areas of Torah morality and so much more.

The Lulav and Esrog that you and Ivanka purchase will cause tens of thousands of your brethren to purchase them as well. In your new role, the media will not erroneously label them as flowers that you have just purchased for your wife. The world will know of this remarkable Mitzvah.

The nation of Israel is compared to the moon for a number of reasons. Among those reasons is the ability for us to come back in full glory after we have dimmed and or erred, becoming smaller. We, like the moon, can rise again, and become ever closer to G-d when we do the right thing in His eyes.

This country has made some errors in how we have dealt with those who deal in murder and state sponsored terrorism and threats. We have allowed evil people great liberties. But this can be changed. The United States, as well, can rise like the moon and undo the damage that has been done.

Jared and Ivanka, Chazak v’amatz, may you be granted great strength and courage in your role and may you be given the strength to sanctify Hashem’s Great Name by following in His path in all that you do. May you be a source of Nachas to your family, your people, and to your nations – Klal Yisroel and the United States of America.

We look forward to great things.

Sincerely, a Rabbi.

[Name withheld upon request]

NOTE: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of YWN


(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

24 Responses

  1. I would like to know why the author of this letter does not want to reveal his identity.

    Moderators Note: We want to know why YOU don’t want YOUR identity revealed.

  2. #3: Unfortunately there HAVE been many so-called “frum yidden” that have indeed stooped as low as you have right here in your public display of hate.
    Not cool at all Mike….

  3. Why is everyone obsessed with what the Kushners do or don’t do? Who cares? We were told regarding Joe “Kiddush Hashem” Lieberman, that he was, “hands off”. “We are not electing the chief Rabbi”. Everything Joe did, including signing the gay marriage act, ON SHABBOS, was sanctioned by his Washington Rabbi. We all know what happened to that Rabbi and what he was caught doing. Vihameivin yavim. The point is, why the double standard? When ultra left wing Liberal Democrats allege that they are “Frum”, one is NEVER allowed to question their religiosity, but when it’s a Republican with moral values, they are fair game. Hypocrites.

  4. glac defending low ppl has many issues in the torah what i was saying is many ppl have been in similar situations ions even worse in the white house and didn’t sacrifice their religion but go learn ur daf since u fail to comprehend big issues

  5. A well-written letter. I was wondering if it might be possible to mention minimal modesty in dress. Like basic decency. Ivanka has a long way to go, and I really don’t know if anyone can say anything to her. Let’s hope for the best, that they should keep everything mentioned in the above letter. They have a really unique opportunity for Kiddush H-shem that very few others will ever have.

  6. two points. firstly totally worthless if this rabbi doesnt put his name. and to the moderator who is about to say “what about my name?” like he already did well theres a big difference between a blogger who is just talking and posting comments and a purported rabbi who is publishing a letter and expects to be held as some authority. well he has no authority or respect if he doesnt even have the guts to write his name.

    second is this letter being delivered to jared kushner? if yes will the comments be included? if not again totally worthless.

  7. Jared as a presidential counselor probably does not raise a shailoh in getting a ride (with a non-Jewish driver, in a car with no seat sensors working on the backseats). However that doesn’t really apply to going to shul since going to shul is clearly not a life or death matter (the choices would be to walk, albeit with an escort, or have a minyan in their house).

  8. Very well done letter and fully understand why the author does not want to be identified (nor should he be given the sad realities of social media abuse). I guess for many of us the only issue is the media’s obsession with labels and tagging them as orthodox, MO, frum or whatever. They are yidden, a very classy couple and for most of us, we would much rather have them close to the oval office than some of the others down the hall in the West Wing. May they have much hatzlacha.

  9. Dear rabbi whatever your name is: I wonder how much money you paid to get your letter posted on here.(many times I have a hard time getting my comments on here, I guess because I don’t pay) What’s the point of this? can’t you just leave the two alone and mind your own business? just because the guy is “frum” if any, and got to the white house, doesn’t mean everyone has to bug him and start writing him letters and opinions about his “frum” life at the white house. so you’re simply annoying. stop lecturing them and kissing up, they don’t need your two cents. just wish them a mazel tov and go about your lives.

  10. How can anyone criticize the Kushners. How about all the landlords that do wrong? The school teachers who punish a wrong child and cause them to go off the Derech. The ” Rabbis” who do wicked things. Maybe people should start criticizing their neighbors.

  11. Well written and well said! To all the haters out there GET A LIFE! To all the loving jews out there YOU HAVE A LIFE! Hashem should bless the kushners/trumps!

  12. We can’t criticise the Kushner’s as they may be well meaning and know no better. But my question for YWN and the moderator is how could they publish a photo of Mrs Kushner? If she is halachacly Jewish then she is an Eishes ish. Her hair is uncovered which constitutes ervo in halocho and although there are many who may not be disturbed by this, a significant number of viewers are erliche yidden who are careful at what they look at. Please bear in mind before publishing similar photos. Thank you.

  13. Re Moderators’ question to commenter no. 4: Your question about why I don’t want my identity reveales is fair and reasonable. I will try to answer bluntld and candidly, and I hope you won’t discontinue my privilege of posting my comments anonymously.

    1. I once posted something on YWN with my real name on it. It humiliated and angered members of my family, whom I love, and so I promised them never to express my opinions publicly with my name. They were so embarrassed by my comments that they gave serious consideration to discontinuing all relationships with me.

    2. Some other members of my family, clients and prospective clients, and many friends, think the YWN website is idiotic and would think that I am idiotic for my interest in what is reported here as news and the comments on it. I therefore take advantage of your policy allowing anonymous posting of comments. I think my comments are helpful to the YWN readership, particularly those who think frum Jews are or should be of one mind on civil affairs.

    Perhaps the moderators would like to explain why they allow the posting of comments anonymously.

    Moderators Response:
    I don’t name call, but get a grip buddy. All your answers can be used why this Rabbi wants to protect his own identity.

    There really is something special about Liberals….

  14. Dear correction 123, did you read the entire article?
    “The Trump clan spent Friday night at the White House, as Trump himself had promised in the days before. Ivanka and Jared were spotted snapping photos Saturday morning on the Truman Balcony.”
    That being said I think it’s amazing that they are in the White House and I’m excited as a frum Jew. Just think it would be more accurate to use a term like “Culturaly orthodox Jewish” or the like to accurately describe their religious affiliation….

  15. how to make decisions without ‘full access to intelligence infrustructure

    a point of view from the bottom of its cellar, the likelyhood of full access is bleak

    thus whose agenda will be fulfilled? not their tonya harding darlings’

  16. To all those hating on the Kushners: Get a life!
    To all Rabbis sending letters to the Kushners: Get a congregation!
    To all media outlets highlighting religious lives of the Kushners: For the good of the people, please stop!

    I’d seriously be concerned about the unrepairable consequences this can lead to.

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