Poll: Should Concessions Be Made To Reform And Conservative Regarding Egalitarian Prayer Area?

kotelA poll was taken to determine the level of flexibility among religious and chareidi Jews regarding the egalitarian prayer area near the Kosel. According to the poll, 94% of Shas voters believe any compromise would represent crossing a red line and just cause for breaking the coalition. 70% of Bayit Yehudi voters oppose any compromise with Reform and Conservative Movements.

Are you for or against setting aside an area near the Kosel for Reform Movement prayer and more?

94% of the chareidi tzibur is opposed

70% of Bayit Yehudi voters are opposed

In principle, if a compromise is reached for the Reform to pray at the Kotel, do you think the chareidi parties should or should not view this as crossing a red line vis-à-vis remaining in the coalition?

94% of Shas voters view this as reason to break from the coalition and bring it down as is the case with the Ashkenazi chareidi community.

50% of Bayit Yehudi voters feel this is a red line that mustn’t be crossed.

Would opening of businesses and permitting public transportation harm the Jewish identity of the State of Israel?

98% of chareidim say yes it would.

80% of Bayit Yehudi voters say yes it would.

The poll was conducted by Rafi Smith Institute in December 2016 involving 500 respondents representing the adult Jewish population. The margin of error is +/- 4.5%.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. Reform And Conservative “religious” practice has nothing to do with Judaism. They don’t even believe that Hashem gave us the Torah!!! They think that the Torah was written by many men and women at various times and then pieced together over the years. Apikorsim!!!

  2. Even according to an old Reform ‘Rabbi’ who told me some years ago,that Reform is unnecessary/superfluous for Israel,and all these are are little more than a secularist agenda

  3. It is important to be open minded but not so open that your brain falls out. There is no end to the list of wannabe Judaism in the world. There are the messianics, the replacement cults and universalism. All claiming something. Once anything other than our Mesorah is the basis of determining what is or is not Jewish, anything goes. We have no obligations whatsoever to acknowledge these would be usurpers or coincide them anything. G-D gave us the Torah. All the others have rejected the Torah and G-D. They have no interest in serving G-D or in following His laws. They are all enemies of the Jewish people and only seek out ways to ridicule and hurt us.

  4. Title Correction

    Poll: Should concessions be made to disgrace the Torah, abandon its dictates, and show no concern for kiddush sheim shomayim?

    Or, more succinctly:

    Poll: Should Orthodox Jews continue to keep the Torah?

    I can appreciate a literary license being extended when trying to conceive original, hooking titles. However, one that undermines the absolute most basic tenant of Torah observance seems quite a bit past the line of acceptability.

  5. The goal of reforms & conservatives are to dismantle the Chief Rabbis, the Rabbanut and the recognition of other streams of Judaism.

    They should be stopped.

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