Jerrold Nadler, You are Striking Out!

nadlerAn Op-Ed
by Shmuel Bak and Naftali Stein

What’s true in baseball should be true in politics. Three strikes and you’re out. And Representative Jerrold Nadler has just done it for the third time.
Jerrold Nadler publicly announced on CNN that President Trump is an illegitimate president and that he wouldn’t attend the inauguration ceremony. We do not need this, neither as Americans, neither as New Yorkers, and neither as Jews.

As Americans it is unpatriotic to undermine the democratic process. Hillary was there at the inauguration, why weren’t you? She was there because she demonstrated her faith in the democratic process.
And what did the Russians do already? They revealed that the Democratic Party illegitimately pushed Hillary instead of Sanders. They revealed that she was given the questions before hand? Let’s remember that President Obama tried effecting Netanyahu’s election.

Trump was elected fairly and squarely. Don’t undermine American institutions, Mr. Nadler. Donald Trump was also elected in an electoral landslide. Period. End of story. Stop the garbage. You are undermining what we hold so precious and dear – the free election process.

As New Yorkers we don’t need this either. Your remarks are just serving to get the president of the United States mad at New York. He could cut off all sorts of funding because you are saying that he is illegitimate. Your remarks and behavior are a tremendous disservice to your constituents. Cut the garbage, Mr. Nadler, and start working with the president – not against him.

That was strike three. Let’s get back to strike two now.

The United Nations just trashed Israel, east Jerusalem, and the Kosel in their mind-bogglingly anti-Semitic resolution 2334. Where were you? This resolution veritably put a stamp of approval on the BDS movement. You, Mr. Nadler, who are ostensibly so pro-Israel, why did you say nothing? Nothing! Were you asleep? Or have you sold your Jewish soul not to get former president Obama upset at you?

And finally, the first strike. Nadler threw Israel under the bus by voting for the Iran Deal. This deal endangers the State of Israel and opens the door for a nuclear Iran.

We need you to work with the newly elected president and with Israel to undo the damage that was done in this horrible deal that legitimizes Iran.

We need to call Jerry Nadler as New Yorkers and tell him to work with Trump in support of Israel and not against it. He can be reached at (800) 733 5417.

23 Responses

  1. Enough with the “askanim” political hacks that dictate on the community to vote for these trashy politicians. I wonder if Ezra Friedlnder attended?!

  2. Your article is pure garbage there is such a thing as freedom of speech and choice. Trump is a complete lunatic who won’t last 4 years. I applaud the congressman for making his choice.

  3. Everything you wrote is nice and good. The problem is, as conservative voters, we are screwed. Jerry can safely stay in power till his dying day. There in no Republican Party in NYC, hence, Jerry will never have a viable opponent/challenge. One of the founding principles of the Democrat Party is: One MUST circle the wagons for one of your own, NO MATTER WHAT!

  4. to #2
    while trump may be a lunatic etc
    there is a democratic process and rules in this country
    and the pblic display of deligitamizing authority
    is extremley dangerous especially to the jews
    who historically are the first to suffer when there is a breakdown in civil law.

    so you can have all the feelings you want
    but these public demonstrations are very dangerous

    read pirkei avos

    “ilmalie moyrah shel malchus”……

  5. The article is correct and he should be voted out of office. The sooner the better.
    I would like to see all these liberals say their views under an Iran government. There would not be any liberals left.

  6. to: mets2010 aka #2.

    Totally with you on the freedom of speech, however it is universally accepted that as spokesman of a business you speak for the business and you don’t have freedom of speech. Example, you cannot tell people you are against the jews, lgbt etc. if you are the owner of a business. The justice dept will be after you if you do, and rightfully so.

    Secondly, He’s our employee. He is our voice to make things better for us. Here he’s ruining it for us.

  7. I guess mets2010 doesn’t understand the difference between free speech and the responsibility of a politician to be responsible and advocate for the best interests of his constituents. He shouldn’t be publicly antagonizing the President upon whose federal largesse NYC depends. The same holds true for our moronic mayor DeBluffio. All these silly protests and screeching will peter out over time and all the while Pres. Trump wil be enacting his agenda regardless of their pathetic ranting and raving.

  8. To uncle Ben your wrong if you think yesterday was a one time event . When our democracy is at risk there will be more days like yesterday

  9. If he doesn’t like the results of the democratic election process of the government of which he is a part, he should resign and go live in Iran with which he supported an illegitimate treaty, while betraying his people (his, only at his convenience), which has rather legitimate and democratic elections.

  10. It’s time he got called out publicly.
    It’s time to get rid of him.
    It’ll tough, being his district is vey liberal but it can be done, because there are many, many heimishe who live there, but they have to come out in droves, which many didn’t do in the last election.
    Not to mention a lot of the right wing agree with him on Israel, but let’s try.
    You’re a disgrace, Jerrold Nadler.

  11. Mr. Nadler,you may have lost weight , but you also lost your intellect.
    Your political career is over.
    We will make sure of it.

  12. Its time for Mr. Nadler to go. We thank him for his many years of service, but he now has to move over to make room for those that actually represent the community they’re supposed to be representing.

    By Mr. Nadler not attending the inauguration, he effectively has conveyed to his constituents that they have no representation in Washington DC.

    Mr. Nadler has done much good for the Jewish community, but it seems that lately he has been “goose stepping” in line with what ever the Democrat party says to do, even if it isn’t what his constituents want.

    If Mr. Nadler wants to save face, he should anounce that he wont be running for another term.

  13. There are numerous falsehoods in this article, but the falsest is the one about the Trump “landslide.”

    a. It is not a “landslide” to finish second in the popular vote.

    b. In the electoral vote, the Trump victory margin ranks 46th out of all 58 US presidential elections.

    Would someone please explain why Trump’s supporters insist that his victory was a “landslide.” He’s president and his margin of victory does not make him more or less of a president. Let the greatness begin. (So far, not so good.)

  14. Jerrold Nadler has to go. He is not a friend of Israel or of the Jewish people. He js arrogant and full of himself.

    Another arrogant traitor is kirsten Gillibrand. She voted for the Iran deal. Awful senator.

  15. Did it ever occur to all the heavy hitters in the ywn think tank here that wadler is actually espousing the views held by a majority of his constituency? He’s a career JINO (jew in name only), has no loyalty to torah or mitzvos or common sense, especially when they conflict with the left wing agenda of the so-called democratic party. But as a politician he’s doing a great job keeping a majority of his liberal district happy.

  16. It is a landslide because Trump won by much more than 270 electoral votes. Simple. If you look at the map the whole USA is colored red except for a few coastal states. Yes, California is a large and populated state. But rural California also voted Trump. If the Democrats don’t stop being so obstinate, they can close their office.

  17. Nadler’s political career will not be over until a credible and determined candidate begins early to start building the case against him. It is also crucial that the frum community come out and actually vote in the primary as well as in the election. Excuses won’t help…it will only continue Nadler’s legacy of betrayal.

  18. To frum-n-fair pls explain how a Senator who votes on one issue that you disagree with is a traitor and an awful Senator,pls list all the votes in the senate that she qualifies as a traitor

  19. To roshvrishon is think you need to take a political science class because you really don’t know what your talking about

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