Councilman Deutsch Writes Obama Letter Asking For Rubashkin Pardon


Yesterday, President Barack Obama announced that he had commutated the sentences of 209 individuals and pardoned 64 others. I was dismayed to see that Sholom Rubashkin’s name was not among those issued clemency. In response, I prepared a letter with several of my colleagues to the President as a last ditch effort to ask for his compassion for Mr. Rubashkin, a 51 year old father of ten children who was sentenced to 27 years in prison. Mr. Rubashkin has already served seven years for his non-violent offenses. In April of 2016, 107 officials signed a letter to the US Attorney in support of Mr. Rubashkin’s motion to vacate his sentence. These signatories included six former United States Attorney Generals, federal judges, and other Department of Justice officials.

I sent my letter to President Obama, Senators Schumer and Gillibrand, the US Attorney General and Deputy Attorney General, and the White House Counsel to the President.

I believe that Mr. Rubashkin deserves to be freed. If you agree, get involved by calling the White House at 202-456-1414 or email President Obama at

(Letter attached below)


12 Responses

  1. Shumer could have Rubashkin pardoned in a moment but he won’t. He is too cozy in his position and will not lift a finger to help; the reasons are not difficult to figure out.

  2. There are only a few hours left. can i suggest that everyone who has Twitter post the following message: (just copy it exactly from here)

    Dear President @BarackObama Please use your last hours as @POTUS to correct a huge injustice and pardon and free Sholom Mordechai #Rubashkin

  3. To No. 4

    Trump and his AG designate have been very critical of all the Obama pardons and clemency decisions. Why do you think he would suddenly turn around and say “but in this case, I’m happy to shorten the sentence of a convicted felon”. There are probably thousands of federal prisoners who are languishing in jail for even longer period than SMR because of unjust/excessive sentences. Why do you expect that the case of SMR will rise to the top of the pile??

  4. To $5 (I don’t know why I answer you, you are in favor of anything the Dems do, especially if it’s negative towards Jews/Israel)

    But since you are obviously clueless…. the prosecution requested 6 years in jail. The judge gave 27.

    GET IT?

  5. This didn’t make headlines, but it’s worth sharing: Obama tried to join an exclusive country club outside DC. The majority of members are Jewish & as they are furious about Obama’s policies towards Israel, his application was rejected.

    Can YWN do the same for AlterG & Gadolhatorah?

  6. The frum community has been an opponent of President Obama throughout his term. The frum supported the birthers, voted for one of its leaders – the current President-elect – and supported Bibi Netanyahu in his affronts to the US president. It is folly and/or naivete to suppose that the President would entertain any request from the frum community. To help Rubashkin, find out who lobbied the President to win his generous support for the State of Israel – he/she/they is/are some Jews who know how to get things done.

  7. If only his crime had been carrying out deadly terrorist attacks or passing on loads of confidential information that put many lives at risk. Then he might have a chance.

  8. David G. Greenfield is the Council member for the 44th District of the New York City Council

    why didn’t he sign this letter!!!!!??????

  9. #8 huju, in a typical self-Jew-hating fashion you are quick to put blame on fellow Yiden rather than on the real Anti-Semite and the true enemy of Eretz Ysroel and Jewish People: Barack Hussein Obama (yamach shmo).

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