Concerns Of Growing Chilul Shabbos In Yerushalayim Shifting To Ramot

4The minhal, the local community council in Ramot Alon (Ramot), has invited residents to attend a gathering on Thursday 21 Teves to discuss the opening of a soccer field on Shabbos.

It appears the local council was responding to requests from many secular residents of the community. The field was closed to permit correcting safety deficiencies, and now, there are residents working to launch Shabbos games.

The community council explains at present, the city has instructed the community to keep the field closed on Shabbos, and violators will be fined. However, the local council is now saying residents should have the right to make this decision on their own since it impacts their own community.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. There are absolutely correct that it impacts their community but just not the way they think if things about Untold suffering unfortunately May hashem spare us

  2. If some residents want to play soccer on a public field, its not the role of government to dictate their behavior. Focus on providing opportunities for all yidden to see the beauty of being shomer Shabbos rather than continually trying to legislate hashkafah. The more you try to dictate, the less likely someone will become shomer Shabbos.

  3. #2 You are not aware that kol yisroel areivum zeh l’zeh?The govt is not in kiruv business , but al pi S’U is responsible for chilul shabbos. you say its democracy , then you have no claim to the land. See thruout theT orah, Tehilim etc etc

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