Update On Mrs. ‘Tamar Adina bas Kayna Shulamis’ Moskowitz Following Fatal Crash Near Baltimore

tehillimA message from Tzvi Moskowitz, the son of Mrs. Tamar Adina Moskowitz, and the brother of 13-year-old son, Moshe Moskowitz Z”L – who was R”L killed in the  crash:

Thank you for your prayers. Our mother is awake and has slowly started communicating with us. We still don’t have a clear prognosis and she remains in the ICU with many hurdles to overcome. Please, please continue to pray for Tamar Adina bas Kayna Shulamis as the doctors have told us that there is no other reason why she has come this far.

We have seen good progress however we are still very far from the finish line – and as I said there is no definitive prognosis. We are asking again for people around the world to please try and bring on shabbos 5 minutes early for refua shleima for Tamar Adina bas Kayna Shulamis.

Thank you so much again. We should only here happiness!!

Steve (Tzvi) Moskowitz

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