VIDEO: Reform Women Davening From The Kosel To The Knesset

kosThe presence of women affiliated with Reform and Conservative Jewry has become a regular event at the Kosel. However, there is now a new venue as twenty Reform women arrived in the Knesset and some decided to daven while there, placing yarmulkes on their heads. One recited kaddish with a minyan in the Knesset.

The women were invited by a MK to a committee session and they took advantage of the situation while there. They showed up for mincha in the shul at the regular time. Some wore yarmulkes and davened in the adjoining room while others entered the ezras noshim and recited kaddish out loud.

As they left a chareidi journalist asked them who recited kaddish, and the woman responded from the ezras noshim “I said kaddish. Do you have a problem with that?”

When a parliamentary aide to a chareidi MK realized what was taking place, he decided not to become involved. He explained “They were looking for a confrontation to make noise but this time we didn’t fall for it”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

12 Responses

  1. These people don’t even know basic Hilchos Tzitzis! Their Beged contains the color red which isn’t allowed according to the Mishna Brerurah.

  2. These women are more pathetic than the plo!
    Do they realize what will happen to them? No
    Do their supporters realize what will happen to them? No
    It will be a kiddush Hashem to vindicate the Holy Torah when Hashem causes them to fall.

  3. I wish I can ask one of them one day. I don’t get it. Do you believe in the 5 books of Moses? Do you believe in Talmud, that whatever it says in there is 100% right? Why do they daven? What are they davening? Why are they reading the Torah? Why are they wearing tefilin? If I’m correct, are they not only following the Torah and not the rabbi’s? Then all the things you do make no sense because they are all what the rabbi’s thought us to do no? Let’s see, without the rabbi’s what do we know about tefilin? What do we know about reading or writing a Torah? Kadish? What’s that? (Without the rabbi’s). Am I missing something?

  4. Halachicly according to many poskim in theory there is no prohibition for women to wear kipot or tallisim (The Ben Ish Chai, however, prohibits it based on the Isur of Beged Ish.) Regardless, the problem here is not the prohibition, but rather a desire to rebel against Hashem.

    Korach came with 250 men wearing tallisim that were fully dyed blue (techeles). I believe that their tallisim had tzitzis on them. Thus, they did not transgress the mitzva of L’vishas Tzitzis. However, they too were transgressing through their action being that their kavana was to rebel.

    I don’t know if we can set these women straight; their hearts being in the wrong place. However, we must learn from their inappropriate actions to teach our wives, daughters, and sons the greatness of a female nishama and how they reflect a holy side of Hashem. We need to teach them that tznuis is not man’s way of ruling over women, nor is it a means to prevent men from histaklus and hirhurim ra’im (although that is a byproduct). Rather tznius is a reflection of one of the greatest middas of Hashem! It is also woman’s way of fulfilling “kedoshim Tihiyu”!

    By strengthening our belief and understanding of this yedia we will b’Ezras Hashem overcome these adversaries to Torah.

  5. Even when they do nothing wrong they show how misguided they are. This is only a feminist issue and has nothing to do with Avodas Hashem. They prove this by trying to do only “mitzvos’ that Orthodox women do not do. Do they keep the 3 mitzvos for women? Do they keep any other mitzvos bein Adam Lamokom when they’re not in public trying to prove something? Do they make brachos when they eat? Do they even Daven when they’re not at the Kosel or in the Knesset?

  6. The long game is they are trying to get the Israeli government to officially recognize non-orthodox streams of Judaism.

    Funny thing is most of them would be normally appalled to step foot in the so the called occupied east Jerusalem. The Plaza is the first settlement built after the 67 war. We had to clear “some” buildings to make room for the Plaza.

  7. Reform & Conservative may follow the Torah as they interpret it, but they don’t believe that Hashem authored the Torah. They believe that the Torah was written by various men and women, therefore it may be interpreted as they see fit.

    Reform & Conservative [cults] are not Judaism.

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