Sanzer Rebbe: Zechus Of Limud Torah Permits Us To Remain In Eretz Yisrael

sanzDuring an event in the chassidus on Tuesday evening the eve of 6 Teves, the Sanzer Rebbe Shlita addressed hundreds of avreichim and supporters of the Mevatzer Hatorah network of kollels.

The rebbe said “In recent years there have been combined forces to get avreichim out of the kollel. We must emphasize to all that yishuv Eretz Yisrael is only by the merit of these kollelim and the limud HaTorah.

The rebbe says the correct response is additional tenacity towards strengthening the very same kollelim they wish to close. He calls for strengthening the askanim who are also moser nefesh to keep the kollels operating.

“Here is Eretz Yisroel will live by miracles and only by the merit of the Torah. Tens of thousands are involved in limud against those who express concern over what will tomorrow bring. We will all remain in kollel…..We must lean on this path and cling to Limud HaTorah. Every child must aspire to this. Therefore, this must be planted in the home; and the father must set the example of learning in kollel…”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. There is also the merit of Jews helping Jews in acts of chesed, which the organizations of Sanzer are well known for, as well as numerous other organizations, hareidi, religious, and secular.

  2. It is a combination of both the z’chus from limud torah and the bravery and mesiras nefesh of the chayalim who guard the borders of EY that allow us to live in EY. Its time for the secular leadership to acknowledge the role of kollel yungerleit and for these rabbonim to acknowledge the role of the IDF. Stop bashing one another and show some achdus.

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