Congress to Freeze State Department Funds Until U.S. Embassy Moves to Jerusalem

trThe following is via the Washington Free Beacon:

A delegation of Republican senators is moving forward with an effort to freeze some funding to the State Department until the U.S. embassy in Israel is formally moved to Jerusalem, according to new legislation.

The effort is being spearheaded by Sens. Ted Cruz (R., Texas), Marco Rubio (R., Fla.), and Dean Heller (R., Nev.), all of whom support efforts by the incoming Trump administration to move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem after years of debate.

“Jerusalem is the eternal and undivided capital of Israel,” Cruz said in a statement. “Unfortunately, the Obama administration’s vendetta against the Jewish state has been so vicious that to even utter this simple truth—let alone the reality that Jerusalem is the appropriate venue for the American embassy in Israel—is shocking in some circles.”

“But it is finally time to cut through the double-speak and broken promises and do what Congress said we should do in 1995: formally move our embassy to the capital of our great ally Israel,” Cruz said.


6 Responses

  1. I am waiting a few moments for the imbecilic liberals to jump up and yell about the previous presidents, including Republicans, who similarly delayed the moving of the embassy. I empathize with their pain and suffering owed to the discomfort of being dominated by their hatred for Israel. It must be difficult being upset by so much pain. Well, tough. The reality is that the land belongs to Israel, and there is no justification for the interminable delay in keeping a promise.

    I can’t and won’t speak for previous presidents. What was obvious to anyone with an at least double digit IQ was the extreme hate Obama and his administration has for Israel. This is coupled with their obsessive regard and support for Islam and terror. It is about time that we have a leadership that is not afraid to tell the Palis and their supporters that enough is enough. The Fatah has promised another intifada. That can be combatted with only one thing – a mightier sword. If any Palis want to throw stones anywhere near me, I would meet that with lethal force. Until they find their youth slaughtered in the streets, they will never consider bargaining in any faith. We need American leaders to tell the world that the immoral is unacceptable, whether it is called Iran, Islam, Muslim brotherhood, BLM, or anything else.

  2. Comment #1:
    You’re saying good. The only problem, as you are well aware, is that the Israeli Government are it’s own worst enemy. They have had the backing of Congress, both Republican & Democrat, for the last number of years, but yet they have not advanced their cause. Bibi does a lot of talking, but…gornisht. Boogie Ya’alon did nothing. This Lieberman character has done nothing. For some reason, the Israeli leadership is obsessed with trying to be loved by all the other nations of the world. Thats more important to them than their own security. Just like the worthless Rinos, here in America, the Israeli government wants to be loved by the editorial board of the NY Times as well as CNN/BBC/AlJazeera. Take Ehud Barack. He is arguably the State of Israels greatest military/war hero in its history. No denying that. But yet, defying his own logic, he attempted to give away almost everything just because Bill Clinton applied a little pressure?! What happens to these tough hard nosed warriors once they get into that PM position? I just don’t understand. It seems like the American goy is machshiv Israel much more than these secular Israeli Jews. Now i realize that when they dont credit HKBH and they believe in kochy vi’otzim yadi, they wont have sayata dishmaya. Why don’t they get it?

  3. I have a simple question.
    Why did the same congressmen propose this last year? They have a najority.

    You want to know why? Because since Trump says he will do it. They figure let us get the credit for it before he does.
    This is how politics works !

  4. Just as the impossible has finally happened with the opening of the 2nd avenue subway, so shall the impossible happen with the move of the USA Embassy to ירושלים

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