Zandberg Opposes Adding A Religious Official To Abortion Committee

1To date, members of the state committee which determines if a woman can have an abortion is supposed to include a OB/GYN, a social worker and representative of the state’s welfare services. Any woman wishing to have an abortion must receive the approval of this committee. To date, in reality, the committee has had two doctors and a social worker, but now, there are calls to add a religious official and there are objections to this call.

The call to add a religious representative comes from Likud MK Yehuda Glick, leading to a stir among female lawmakers, women’s rights officials and others. In this case, Glick is working with Arab MK Abd Al Hakeem Haj Yahya in response to Health Ministry statistics citing an increase in the number of abortions performed in the past decade.

Meretz MK Tamar Zandberg explained to Galei Tzahal (Army Radio) on Monday 4 Teves there is no place to add a rav here, adding Meretz leader Zahava Gal-On during recent years has been working to eliminate the state committee entirely, for they feel a woman should have the right to act with her body as she feels without requiring state intervention. Zandberg and her colleagues fail to understand why a rav should have a place on the committee.

The request now moves to the Committee for the Advancement of Women, which enjoys a majority among opposition MKs so it is unlikely this will move forward any time soon.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. There must be a Rav, as Hashem said “do not kill”, so Rav’s advice is VERY important.

    Halacha (Jewish Law) does recognise that in certain circumstance(to save a Jewish person) it is permitted to abort at any time BEFORE any part of the foetus is seen outside the birth canal.

  2. Abortion is murdering your unborn child… That’s a fact. Any explanation of “halacha” shows how we can easily not see the forest for the trees when trying to legally justify something we all know in our spirit is WRONG. An unfortunate case of a mother’s life truly being in danger is extremely rare and should not mitigate our disgust with the “crime against humanity” that is abortion. I am truly saddened that it is so accepted in Israel

  3. the Zionists wouldn’t mind a imam though. abortion is murder, plus do you know the #1 baby name for the last decade in the Zionists paradise is Mohammed?

  4. Its unbelievable what marketing can do!

    “A women’s right to choose” is a marketing ploy that the left uses to murder someone else!!!!

    It Unbelievable!!!!

    How are people fooled by it?

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