Crowdfunding To Build Shul For Harav Nissan Kaplan Raises $750K Including $250K Matching Grant; $250K Short, Campaign Extended To Tuesday Night

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The crowdfunding by talmidim and friends of Harav Nissan Kaplan to build a new shul for the renowned Magid Shir and mechanech is still $250,000 short of the $1 million necessary to build the Bais Medrash. In a remarkable show of support and affection for the Magid Shir in Yeshivas Mir in Yerushalayim, over $500,000 was raised in the first week of the campaign with an additional $250,000 to be covered by a matching grant. Yaakov Neiman, a talmid of Harav Kaplan’s (2005-2009) and one of the key talmidim involved in the effort says that the campaign will now be extended to Tuesday night January 3 rd to enable more talmidim and friends to meet the goal of $1 million to build the shul. The unprecedented campaign was launched after Harav Kaplan accepted a community request to become the Mara D’asra of the Kehilla Givat Hamivtar in the Ramat Eshkol area of Yerushalayim.

“This demonstration of hakoras hatov is unprecedented and is a reflection of the incredible bond that his talmidim have well after they have left the yeshiva,” says Mr. Neiman. The shul is currently located in trailers, which the talmidim hope will be replaced by the beautiful shul. Some of his talmidim daven in his new shul and many have no doubt that his influence will be felt even by the secular Jews who live in the Ramat Eshkol area. Neighborhood residents are extremely excited about having a Rav of such caliber in their midst, expressing the view that he will have an impact on the entire community.

For so many who studied at Yeshivas Mir, Harav Kaplan’s home was a “home away from home.” They bonded with their beloved rebbe and those years became the basis for an enduring relationship. Harav Kaplan frequently travels to different parts of the globe to maintain his strong bond with his talmidim. “Irrespective of what stage in life we are in,” says Mr. Neiman, “Harav Kaplan is always there for us. It is amazing how our families become so much a part of his extended family.” Harav Kaplan is considered one of the great “mashpiim” of our generation, inspiring so many young men and their families to follow the Torah derech that he is well-known for.

Harav Kaplan is a marbitz Torah revered worldwide, often giving shiurim and divrei chizuk to thousands. He meets often with Gedolei Yisrael on a host of topics. His shiur at Yeshivas Mir attracts hundreds of bachurim often filling some of the largest halls at the Yeshiva. Talmidim and others who wish to be part of this historic undertaking can click on to


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