WATCH: MBD Tells Jerusalem Concert: ‘There Will Be Peace In A Few Weeks After Obama Leaves Office’


There were some interesting scenes at a concert this week, which was attended by various high ranking government officials, in Jerusalem’s Pais Arena.

Chassidic singer, Mordechai Ben David (MBD), the “King of Jewish music”, sang a song about peace.

At one point the music stopped and he asked the audience:

“You know when there’ll be peace?

In a few weeks, when there will be a new president in the United states!”

Standing ovation from the crowd

Later, the Mayor of Jerusalem, Nir Barkat, gave a short speech. At the end he mentioned Trump and said that he is sure that Trump will fullfil his promise and finally move the embassy to Jerusalem etc

Crowd instantly brakes into chants of “USA USA”

Next was Interior Minister Aryeh Deri. He told the young crowd that they protect Israel and “not Obama or John Kerry, nor the UN or anyone else…”

Again standing ovation

Watch the video below:

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC / Photo Credit Baruch Ezagui)

6 Responses

  1. Yes, place your faith in the hands of goyish leaders. They have always gotten our backs throughout history. Seek out Trump to protect us from blood hungry, murderous Arabs. Believe that America will continue to be different than EVERY SINGLE country Jews have been slaughtered and kicked out of
    for THOUSANDS of years.
    Don’t bother increasing your tefilla. Being a better Yid and believing that Hashem is our only savior.

  2. #1, relax and hold your horses. Nobody is suggesting to not trust Hashem. If you were living under Hitler rule and you knew that in a few weeks Trump will take over, would you not assume that life will be better? Nothing wrong with stating the obvious

  3. Now the hateful media picked up on this story thanks to YWN. By reporting this publicly you put MBD in a bad spot, as well as all of Orthodox Jews. Thanks YWN genuis editors.

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