Litzman Calls On PM Netanyahu To Review Shabbos Protocol For Cabinet Ministers

.Minister Yaakov Litzman has turned to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu asking they he review Shabbos protocol with cabinet ministers, apparently prompted by ministers responding to the UN Security Council passing Resolution 2334 on Shabbos.

Litzman sent a letter to PM Netanyahu expressing surprise over learning cabinet ministers released messages to the media on Shabbos when the messages could have easily waited until motzei Shabbos.

Litzman has asked Mr. Netanyahu to review the Shabbos protocol for ministers and the matter of breaking from this protocol only in cases of pikuach nefesh.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. Perhaps Litzman should focus on public health matters in EY which is ostensibly his “day job” and stop trying to be the “baal musar” for all of the government. At a time where neighborhood clinics, low-income health assistance for the Hareidi and arab communities and the overall public health system are in such bad shape, he should give his undivided attention to the affairs of his ministry and not worry about other MKs tweeting on Shabbos or issuing press releases.

  2. Are you for real, “Gadolhadorah”?
    Shabbos is the cornerstone of Jewishness. Any Jew who lets Shabbos slip from this status is already on a ruinous journey to potential apikorsus.

  3. Minister Litzman is ?????? in the ???? of ?????, as is Gadolhadorah himself. Minister Litzman takes this obligation seriously, unlike Gadolhadorah.

  4. @godol hatorah. I understand that you consider yourself a godol hatorah but It seems like Litzman has other Gedolim than yourself which he follows. So please let him take advice and guidance from the Gedolei Yisroel whom he represents in the keneset. And you will give advice to your followers!!!

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