How Much Longer Will Religious Soldiers Be Able To Serve In The IDF?

idffFor the dati leumi community, IDF service has always represented a high value, one that is inculcated in the young at an early age. However, this used to be for the boys while girls were directed towards Sheirut Leumi, an authorize national service programs. The old-time hesder talmidim continued to place the emphasis on limud Torah, serving a minimum 18-months while dedicating the remainder of their five-year commitment to the beis medrash.

Since the establishment of Nachal Chareidi, Shachar, and today other units including Tamar Givati and a paratroop unit, ‘chareidi’ Jews have joined the rank and file of the military.

Today, particularly under the leadership of IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-General Gadi Eizenkott, an emphasis has been placed on advancing females in combat units, including tanks and other places where they were previously banned. As hesder yeshivot rabbonim explain, while the IDF flies the flag of advancing women’s rights, it is trampling the rights of religious soldiers, who are finding it increasingly difficult as outside of the Nachal Chareidi-type framework, everything is coed.

It is reported that the number of female recruits entering combat units has doubled in the past four years. According to a Haaretz report, just three percent of female recruits entered a combat unit in 2012 but today, that figure has risen to seven percent. It adds that in 2017, the IDF will be opening its fourth mixed-gender combat battalion, a reality that paints a worrisome picture for rabbonim, particular hesder yeshivot and the traditional dati leumi community, not referring to the growing liberal stream with not only backs women in the military, but encourages it R”L.

In addition to mixed-gender combat units, women can also serve in the border police, the aerial defense corps, air force and other units. Tanks is next on the list despite strong objections from hesder rabbonim. Rosh Yeshivat Har HaMor HaGaon HaRav Tzvi Tau Shlita recently gave a shiur in which he addressed the growing number of women serving side-by-side men, stating there is absolutely no heter for such conditions. He decried the fact that there are so many mixed units today, far more than the public is aware, decrying the trend of women entering military service.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. How long before the “Dati Leumi” finally realize that zionism (with its dream of a state for Jews that is free from Torah and Mitsvos) is not compatible with being religious – something the hareidim figured out a century a ago.

  2. Rabbi Akiva Tatz wrote about “rights” many years ago. Each person’s right to do something, comes directly from the other’s expense. (Eg. My right to listen to loud music comes at my neighbor’s expense. My right to free speech comes at the listener’s expense to have to hear me and possibly choose to ignore).

    This is very relevant in today’s society where everyone wants to DEMAND their rights; yet many don’t realize that those rights come at the expense of others. Society’s job is to find a happy medium, balancing all people’s rights. Sadly, today, it seems that the loudest cries are from those who wish to give SPECIAL rights to a select group at the EXPENSE of the entire rest of society. No need to look further than the self-destruction in “enlightened” Europe, to understand where that ultimately leads.

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