ELECTION 2016: Monsey Voted 90.2 Percent For Trump, While New Square Voted 96 Percent For Hillary

sk2According to a reports by LoHud.com, Donald Trump polled well in traditional GOP strongholds in Rockland County, official results for the Nov. 8 election show.

Trump scored his biggest percentage victory – 90.2 percent – in Monsey.

Clinton’s support in New Square was no surprise. She won 96 percent of the vote in one New Square district, her biggest percentage in the county. She forged ties with Skver in a visit during her 2000 U.S Senate campaign. That campaign stop came under scrutiny several months later when President Bill Clinton granted clemency to four Skverer Chassidim after their tiny New York state community voted almost unanimously for Hillary Clinton in the 2000 senatorial race.

The New Square case involved four men convicted in 1999 of bilking the federal government of more than $30 million in federal housing subsidies, small business loans and student grants. The four were sentenced to prison terms ranging from 2 1/2 to 6 1/2 years.

During her Senate campaign, Hillary Clinton, then the first lady, campaigned in New Square. On Election Day, she received 1,400 votes in New Square to 12 for Republican Rick Lazio.

Six weeks after the election, the Skver Rebbe was granted a 45-minute meeting with Bill Clinton at the White House, with the senator-elect sitting in. The Rebbe asked for clemency for the four men, saying they had not used the money for themselves, but for programs in their low-income community.

Clinton reduced the prison sentences to 2 to 2 1/2 years, but did not free the men as community leaders had asked.

The U.S. attorney’s office in Manhattan was reported to be furious about the reduction in the sentences. It opened an inquiry into the New Square case.

Hillary Clinton said she played no role in her husband’s New Square decision.

The Clintons’ defenders contended that the New Square case could not be construed as a bribery or criminal case because nothing of monetary value was exchanged. They have said the former president did nothing against the law, citing the broad presidential power to grant pardons.

Eventually, the Justice Department declined to file charges.

(Charles Gross – YWN)

7 Responses

  1. Skver is very smart i dont blame them for one second they want to show any politicians in the future that they really have a block vote

  2. This had nothing to do with any financial deals or quid pro quo, ehm…
    It was simply a matter of Yiddishkeit.

    Donald Trump’s eidam is a moderne yid, loi ulaini, and is very far from heimishe hashkufois.
    While Bill’s (not to mention the name of a woman) son-in-law is in gantzen frei, the mishpucha owns a rebbishe menoira, which makes all the difference.

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