Stein Changes Strategy in Pennsylvania Recount

recThe Green Party says it’s switching strategy in its bid to force a statewide recount of Pennsylvania’s Nov. 8 presidential election, won by Republican Donald Trump.

Hours after dropping a state court case, it said late Saturday night that it’ll go to federal court instead. A statement from the lead lawyer for the recount campaign says it’ll seek an emergency federal court order for the recount. It says barriers to a recount in Pennsylvania are pervasive and the state court system isn’t equipped to address the problem.

Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein has spearheaded a recount effort in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, states where Trump won narrowly over Democrat Hillary Clinton. She’s framed it as an effort to explore whether Pennsylvania’s election result was manipulated by hackers.

Trump and the Pennsylvania GOP have opposed the recount. Pennsylvania’s top elections official, a Democrat, says there’s no evidence of cyberattacks or voting irregularities.


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