Paul Ryan Says Election Fair, No Fraud Evidence

trryHouse Speaker Paul Ryan says the election was “pretty fair,” rejecting President-elect Donald Trump’s talk of voter fraud and independent Jill Stein’s recount effort.

The Wisconsin Republican was interviewed Tuesday by WCLO radio in his hometown of Janesville, Wis. Ryan said he didn’t see “any evidence of systemic fraud.”

Trump has claimed, without evidence, that millions voted illegally in three states that Democrat Hillary Clinton won — California, New Hampshire and Virginia. Stein has raised millions of dollars to finance recount votes in Wisconsin and is pressing for new counts in Pennsylvania and Michigan — states that Trump won.


3 Responses

  1. Paul Ryan, who has done his best to help The Devil defeat Trump is another big loser, b”H!

    So Ryan, the Globablists Criminal Elites’ favorite as runner up for President after Clinton, considers 4 million dead voters for Clinton pretty fair, 3 million illegal immigrants voters for Clinton pretty fair, repeated votes for Clinton pretty fair and rigged machines to auto select Clinton pretty fair. Hmmm….

    Trump is no fool. He has NOT claimed illegal voting without evidence. Mainstream media reported the same thing. LIARS!

    Good thing America got rid of that corrupt witch and her runner up, Ryan the evil hypocrite!

    And for the record, “Stein has raised millions of dollars to finance” HERSELF. That was her goal. She knew all along that the recounts is a hoax but needed financial assistance. So she sided up with Clinton with some bogus excuse to get some money out of Tzoros.

  2. Crooks Hillary and Stein have one mentality. That’s why they say that a crook thinks everyone else is a crook. That explains the recount.

  3. It is very hard to believe that there was no voter fraud, if Hillary was in any way involved in the election.
    Wherever she goes, the stench of a scandal, fraud, and incessant lies precedes her.

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