PHOTOS: Thousands Of Chabad Shluchim Pose For Annual ‘Class Picture’ This Morning Outside 770


Thousands of Shluchim posed for a group photo in front of Chabad-Lubavitch world headquarters in the Brooklyn borough of New York, Sunday, Nov. 27, 2016. They are among 5,600 Chabad-Lubavitch rabbinic emissaries and communal leaders from 90 countries hailing from as far away as Bangkok and Kenya that are gathering for the International Conference of Chabad-Lubavitch Emissaries.

One highlight each year is the traditional group photo of thousands of Shluchim at the front of the building on 770 Eastern Parkway – Chabad’s central headquarters.

This year, for the twelfth year, tens of thousands of viewers from around the world will be able to view the International Kinus HaShluchim banquet live – here on YWN – on a broadcast made possible by the organizers of the Kinus. The highlight is always the traditional roll call of countries and regions which is followed by spirited dancing.

As we have in the past eleven years, YWN will be bringing you thousands of photos, as well as extensive video and photo coverage from the massive event.

Photo Credits: / Eli Parypa

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(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

6 Responses

  1. Amazing!!

    The work Chabad does is incredible! Wherever you travel you can always find Chabad Shluchim ready to welcome you with open arms. The Mesiras Nefesh of living in remote places in the world just to help another Jew is remarkable. Often they have to homeschool their kids or send them to relatives in NY at a young age.

    The number of Shluchim has doubled since Gimmel Tamuz. The mission the Lubavitcher Rebbe assigned to his Chassidim lives on and the inspiration keeps growing. I give the Chabadniks lot of credit for keeping this up. It’s not just a two year stint. These families usually end up staying for life. Could never do this type of thing myself but I admire those who do.

  2. I have 2 children on Shlichus: one in a former communist country, one in another European country. Neither gets any funding, as Chabad HQ do not fund any Chabad Houses. It is difficult to survive as both their communities are transient. But, as #4 says, they are there for life. They work extremely hard, their children are on the Online School (which for 2-3 hours a day costs a lot more than a traditional yeshiva), they have no frum friends in their towns, and life is very hard. But they wouldn’t give it up! They are very happy & the kids are amazing. Of course, they do get visitors who are happy to take some things to them (one lady just delivered a very heavy package of sefarim the kids needed) but many come, eat, & leave.

    The kinus is the highlight of the year; it’s where their batteries are charged. They meet old friends and colleagues as well as brothers, even fathers, and get and give chizuk. My husband & I are immensely proud of them & the meseiros nefesh they have for every single Jew. I should write a book on the real truth of what Shluchim go through.

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