Levaya Of Reb Tzvi Aharon Karmel

karmYWN regrets to inform you of the Petirah of Reb Tzvi Aharon Karmel ZT”L, who was Niftar this morning following an illness. He was 59 years old.

Reb Tzvi Z”L was a part of the Yeshiva Novamisk Hanhallah, serving as a Shoiyel U’meishiv at Yeshivah Novominsk in Brooklyn for many years. He is a brother of R’ Menashe, R’ Yossi and R’ Leibel of Lakewood.

Reb Tzvi was R”L sick several years ago, but his Petirah came unexpected. He was dancing at the Chasunah of a nephew in Lakewood last night. He returned home and went to sleep, but R”L did not wake up on Thursday morning.

The Levaya will be taking place at 12:00PM today at Yeshivah Novominsk located at 1690 60th Street, at the corner of 60th Street and 17th Avenue.

The Kevurah will take place in Lakewood.

Baruch Dayan HaEemes…

With reporting by TLS

4 Responses

  1. Oy! R Tzvi Carmel Z’l was no simple Shoiyel U’meishiv, this tzaddik simply never stopped learning Torah. He truly lived and breathed Torah for as long as I know him- approx 25 years. Boruch Dayan Ha’emes.

  2. Rabbi Karmel Ztl was my sons rebbe in Camp Novominsk. He was such a special person & Baal Middos, who cared so much about each bochur. This went so far as to calling me, (in addition to my husband) to compliment my sons learning. One of a kind.
    He should be a meiletz yosher for his family and they should have a nechama.

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