Looks Like It Will Be Take All for the Republicans

donald-trump-immigration-speechWow. Who would have thought it?

It looks like it will be a take all for the Republicans. Trump has the lead in both the electoral votes as well as the popular vote. He leads in the popular vote by some 2.3 million votes. And even though Hillary won California, she is still behind.

The Republicans have a majority in the House 180-120. It looks like they have the senate 47 – 46. It looks like they have a majority of Republican governors 30 to 12, and even the New York Times is saying that there is a 67% chance that Trump will win the presidency.

The only thing that remains in Democrat hands is, well, the media.

Although the senate win will only be by a slim majority it means that the chairmanships of all the committees will go to the Republicans.

As of 11:19 PM, it seems that Trump will win 285 electoral votes, putting him well inside the White House.

The headlines will read, “Trump Trumps!” Or, “Trump Trumps Hillary!”

It is a shocking turnabout.

The question now is when will she concede.

8 Responses

  1. This is a pleasant surprise he is much better for us than the other one but I hope this doesnt take our focus away from is really important
    These are just politicians
    Go find a beis medrash and learn

  2. I don’t think it had anything to do with Republicans but with the candidates. To vote for such a corrupt and cruel criminal candidate is absurd.

  3. If the Republicans choose to abolish the fillibuster, which was partially abolished by the Democrats prior to the 2014 election (when they last controlled the Senate), they will have the ability to radically change any and all policies, and to shape the Supreme Court for the next generation.

    One should pay attention to whether Trump is able to “mend fences” with the Republican establishment, such as the neo-cons who favor a strong muscular foreign policy, the Tea Party supporting a small government and a balanced budget, and the “Big tent” establishment crowd. With such a small majority in the Senate, if any Republican Senators don’t support an agenda, it will fail in a party-line vote.

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