WIKILEAKS BOMBSHELL: Podesta One Day After NY Times Report: ‘We Are Going To Have To Dump All Those Emails’

emIn today’s, 25th, Wikileaks release of hacked Podesta emails, one of the notable highlights is a March 2, 2015 exchange between John Podesta and Clinton aide Cheryl Mills in which the Clinton Campaign Chair says “On another matter….and not to sound like Lanny, but we are going to have to dump all those emails.”

“We are going to have to dump all those emails,” Podesta tells Clinton aide Cheryl Mills in an email dated March 2, 2015, a week before Clinton addressed the email scandal at a press conference, claiming there was no classified material sent via the private server.

According to the Daily Caller, Podesta doesn’t specify what emails he is referring to, but the email was sent late March 2, 2015, the same day a major New York Times story revealed the existence of Clinton’s private server to the general public. It’s also not clear what Podesta meant with regards to “dumping” the emails, since it could be interpreted as a request to delete them or to turn them over to authorities or the general public.

It’s not clear which emails Podesta is referring to in the thread, but Podesta tells Mills: “better to do so sooner than later”.

Mills replies: “Think you just got your new nick name.”

(Sources: Zero Hedge / Daily Caller)

22 Responses

  1. We were told long ago:

    כל מעשיך בספר נכתבים

    The evidence is emerging piece by piece. Hillary is a career criminal. The danger of having her in public office is greatly escalated by the fact that she has proven to surround herself with others who are deceitful, dishonest, and frankly criminal.

    I do not think I need to be a posek or possess smicha to conclude that eating chazzer is against halacha. With full awareness that HKB”H controls leaders, it remains incumbent on us, as part of our responsibility of hishtadlus, to prevent such bands and gangs of thugs and criminals from becoming our rulers. I would conclude that it is clearly forbidden to vote for Hillary.

  2. And it gets better. This is to all who doubted the Clinton Body Count “conspiracy”:

    On Sun, Feb 22, 2015 at 6:12 PM, John Podesta

    > Agree. Happy to talk to the David’s. Call me crazy, but I think if we can
    > survive the next month, it will be possible, maybe even straightforward to
    > get our arms around this once there is an actual campaign. I’m definitely
    > for making an example of a suspected leaker whether or not we have any real
    > basis for it.
    > JP

  3. Little I Know – It is great to see that you are a law expert able to identify criminal acts. Hillary has haf no charges filled against her and as of today there is no known evidence of criminality.

    Contrast that with Trump who has boasted with his own mouth of criminal assault against women. If there is a double standard it is that pop culture stars and the rich prople like Trump can commit assault and get away with it.

    Trump is a know nothing, loud mouthed buffoon who does not respect our democracy or the freedom of the press. He is a danger to America and the world. #Never Trump

  4. Dump means get rid of. Period. What fool would think otherwise. Why would they want to turn over private emails to the public? It gets worse by the day. As problematic as politics is here in the UK, such a person would no way still be standing for election if this was going on. Let’s hope our American friends make the right choice however unpalatable that may be.

  5. tcp: in legalese, to dump documents means to give the requesting entities all the documents in one shot and without organization (a document dump) so that the receiver will spend a lot of time sifting through it in order to find something valuable.

  6. #4 so you’re not interested in the facts that trump is an adulterer, a liar and is going to trial for fraud. He’s a tzadik yesod olam and he’s completely qualified to be president, please. At least admit we’ve been given 2 very poor choices.

  7. #11 Your last sentence is an understatement. “Very poor choices”? They are both completely unfit for the presidency. Also, neither can be relied on to fulfill his/her campaign promises (not that either has spoken much about policy altogether).

    So then how can we determine how to vote? My advice is forget about the president – vote on how you want the supreme court to look. It’s not hard to guess what kind of justices each candidate would appoint.

  8. Well, if youre going to vote how the supreme court should look, you can only vote for Trump, because as bad as he is, he says he’s going to put good (conservative) judges who want to conform to the constitution. She said she’s going to nominate judges who (not are necessarily interested in preserving the constitution) I don’t remember her exact words.

    Yes, they’re both bad, but he only talks bad and she does bad. And there really is a difference. So he’s a menuval. They’re ALL menuvalim! Vote for the one who is going to try to perserve America as we used to know it. She’s going to continue Obama’s very destructive ways. There’s no shayla who to vote for!

  9. 2 Poor choices is a huge understatement. However, the real only thing they were able to find on Trump is something that is 11 years old.

    Yet Hillary has gone the distance as to hiring someone to set up a private server instead of using the official one, the only reason for this would be to keep her emails to herself and not be subject to any potential investigations. No employer would be ok with this behavior.

    Cant see how people can be comfortable with someone like this to be our president.

  10. #11 You’ve been asked several times to give sources about your repeated nonsense which obviously you can’t because they’re lies and baloney and you know it too.

    Please enlighten us all with 1 logical reason why you’d vote for the biggest criminal in American history, liar, cheater, thief, adulterer, murderer and a sick evil woman, etc etc etc? My guess: You’re a relative.

  11. John Podesta the crook has been trying together with the corrupt pro-Hillary judicial court to halt the FBI’s investigation on Hillary. In the meantime, he himself came under FBI investigation.

  12. #14 Not only is it 11 years old but it was refuted and proven false. But of course you and RT are not up to saying the complete truth. You prefer lying even after Yom Kippur.

  13. #17, yes, it is 11 years old and no, not one is saying that it’s false, so stop exaggerating only to make me look like a liar, look yourself in the mirror before telling someone about YK..

    No one is saying that he is a saint, he is who he is, but Hillary is a chronic criminal.

  14. I am pro trump. I think he’ll do a much better job as president. For anyone questioning to vote for crooked Hillary why on heavens name would u want a president whom will have to fight personal legal battles instead of focusing on the problems the country is facing. We need a more conservative government. Is it normal how the president hillary and sooo many democratic politicians are all getting into hot water? How can u even trust her on one issue??

  15. And trumps issue 11 years ago did not effect the safety of the whole country. How the Hell can u compare the two. And besides the point Clinton prosecuted against the ppl that her husband bill messed around with. Same issues she has plus more. Whoever votes for Hillary is putting everyone’s life on the line by allowing all these new arabs that she wants to allow in take over America. As it is look at Brooklyn. They already took over!!! It’s a scary world we live in and she’ll make it scarier.

  16. #18 The source of your information and facts are obviously from Propaganda news for the ostriches that still has Hillary leading Trump or tied. Whom are they fooling?

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