Hikind Makes His Vote Public: A Write In For Speaker Paul Ryan

img_20161031_205422Tonight at an election forum in Flatbush, NYS Assemblyman Dov Hikind made his choice for president known.

“I have decided to write in Speaker Paul Ryan for President of the United States”, Hikind told the crowd at Talmud Torah Of Flatbush.

“He (Ryan) is a superstar with great integrity and morality”.

Tonight’s event gave community members the opportunity to ask questions to Hikind regarding Donald Trump as well as Rabbi Menachem Genack responding to questions regarding Hillary Clinton.

(Chaim Shapiro – YWN)

28 Responses

  1. And at hikind’s election i will write in for m. mouse. Is he telling us our vote is meaningless? Then say so and don’t vote.

  2. What a waste of a vote. Does he want Hillary to win? Does he want her liberal Supreme Court judges. A vote for Ryan is a vote for Hillary

  3. For a really smart man, he’s doing an incredibly stupid thin! I really thought he was more intelligent than that. What a total waste! Does he think Ryan will become President? There are two choices only. You can try to hide your head in the sand, but if you don’t vote for Trump, the machshaifa might get in, chas v’shalom. Trump does say dumb things, but Hillary does bad things. So don’t waste a vote on Ryan!

  4. I don’t live in Hikind’s district, but I consider him a representative of frum Jewish interests in general, and a representative of Americans who support the state of Israel and Jewish control of Eretz Yisrael.

    My question for Mr. Hikind is, what do you, as a Democrat, expect to gain by throwing away your vote. Hillary Clinton will most likely (78% chance, according to the FiveThirtyEight website, which has been very accurate in analyzing polls for at least the last 2 presidential elections) be the next president. Even Donald Trump has a better chance of being president than Paul Ryan. So what does he and the people he supports expect to gain by not voting for Clinton? The more pro-Israel frum Jews dump Ms. Clinton, the less she will owe Israel when she is in the White House.

  5. He’s not a super star. He’s a globalist, no different than Hillary. Just doesn’t have so many investigations going on about him right now.
    He’s a democRAT in Republican clothing.

  6. I’m sorry Mr Hikind but you have lost everything I had for you. If you are a patriot and and you’re wasting your vote and try to teach and preach others to do the same, you committing a sabotage. You probably could not care less if the evil Clinton wins. We are not voting for the chief rabbi of the United State but for the one who – at least – be less damaging to the the country and the rule is: you don’t vote for a criminal nor a failed politician. By not voting for a real candidate, you’re increasing her chance. Teaching and preaching others, is even worse. It is totally irresponsible. Sorry – I didn’t expected it from a man like you

  7. Hikind has his own political interests in mind so he’s voting Ryan, and we as frum jews also have our interests to protect israel and yidden all over so we’re voting TRUMP!

  8. Paul Ryan is part of the establishment problem. He, and mostly Boehner,did absolutely NOTHING with the 6 year majority the Republicans had. They just laid down and let King Obama run roughshod over them without making a peep. It’s davka PC Liberal RINO’s like Ryan that created the monster they so fear,named Trump!
    George Pataki has a better chance of winning than Paul Ryan.

  9. Hikind lives in New York. New York is solidly in the Clinton column. Regardless of whom you vote for, New York’s electoral votes will go to Clinton. Like Mr. Hikind, I plan to vote my conscience by writing in a candidate other than the two deplorable major party candidates. In my case, it won’t be Paul Ryan (or Ana Navarro’s mother).

  10. The reason writing in Paul Ryan is NOT a wasted vote or a vote for Hillary is because we follow a process involving an Electoral College. New York is going to go to Hillary. Even the GOP concedes that. Therefore, when the Electors meet in the state Senate chamber in Albany in mid-December Hillary will receive her coronation. Vote for whomever you want — it is not a wasted vote.

  11. him and kasich very stupid people. if you think your vote doesnt count well what does that say about our system. every vote counts if only everyone would vote. since not everyone votes thats why it seems like some votes dont count. you need to choose between trump and hillary. a vote for one is a vote against the other. its that simple

  12. Boy, is this a really stupid PR stunt; probably the worst of many bad stunts that he’s made throughout his career. It is really time for the frum community to be represented by an intelligent individual who has our, not his, interests in mind.
    Dov Hikind has set a very bad example for our youth who may be eligible to vote for the first time. By voting for a candidate not on the ballot he’s telling our youth that the democratic process is worthless. For shame!!!!!

  13. The funny thing is that Paul Ryan just announced that he’s already voted for Donald Trump in early voting. Dov is “oisgeshpieled”.

  14. A vote for anybody besides Trump is a vote for Clinton,
    he showed the people in NY that he is a real ——–,you can fill in the blank.

  15. This Shul Forum was a Dishonest OUTRAGE! It was ‘Gonev Da’as’! One Speaker was Pro Hillary spewing the Liberal Agenda, the Other should have Been, in Fairness, speaking about the Conservative Pro Trump View.

    But Instead they Had a Hillary Speaker and another Democrat Telling People to Waste their Vote on a NON CANDIDATE, which Benefits HILLARY, and thus did not give people the Opportunity to Hear the Pro Trump Pro Israel View! HOW DARE THEY!

    So here is the Reason to Vote TRUMP: He will LOWER your Taxes, Get RID of the EXPENSIVE Obamacare Travesty, Give Vouchers for School Choice so you can finally use Tax Dollars to Pay TUITION, he is for United JERUSALEM while HILLARY is for pre 67 Borders which decides JERUSALEM and gives away West Bank to PALESTINIANS. Hillary’s whole Team are Pro PALESTINIAN including her antiSemite VP pick KAINE, while TRUMPS whole Team are pro ISRAEL including Giuliani, and VP PENCE! And HILLARY was also for the IRAN Deal which gave IRAN BILLIONS to support world Terror Groups!

    Don’t be fooled- Educate yourself on the issues!

  16. First of all, Paul Ryan is not that great and secondly, Hikind wasted his vote.
    Ryan will not become president, so he wasted his vote. I don’t believe in that.

  17. http://www.democratandchronicle.com/story/news/2016/10/31/nys-write–candidates-president/93063890/ and other sites (https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/politics/2016-election/write-in-votes/ to name one) remind us that writing in the name of Paul Ryan for president will not result in a valid recorded vote for Paul Ryan for President in the 2016 election.

    In spite of the above, if enough voters do not choose a candidate for president fielded by the major parties, Paul Ryan indeed may become president.

    http://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2016/06/01/gary-johnson-12-amendment-electoral-college-elections-2016-column/85170378/ describes how.

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