Obama Lied To The Nation: ‘We Need to Clean This Up. He (Obama) Has Emails from Her – They Do Not Say State.gov’

wikA March 2015 email chain released by WikiLeaks Tuesday is further proof that President Obama lied to the American people when he said he found out about Hillary Clinton’s private email server from news reports.

“Jen you probably have more on this but it looks like POTUS just said he found out HRC was using her personal email when he saw it in the news,” Clinton spokesman Josh Schwerin wrote to Communications Director Jennifer Palmieri, press secretary Nick Merrill, and others.

Merrill then forwarded Schwerin’s email to longtime Clinton confidante and attorney Cheryl Mills, who sent it to campaign Chairman John Podesta. “We need to clean this up,” she wrote to Podesta. “He has emails from her — they do not say state.gov.”

Obama clearly lied when he told CBS’ Bill Plante that he learned about Clinton’s use of a private email account and server “the same time everybody else learned it through news reports.”

Emails released by WikiLeaks last week also suggested Obama was complicit in Clinton’s illegal email practices. “Talk to Josh [Earnest] or Eric [Schultz]. They know POTUS and HRC emailed,” Palmieri told Philippe Reines after he expressed concern over Obama’s claim.


7 Responses

  1. At this point, 99 percent of voters have tuned out anything to do with “email” or “servers” when it comes to Hillary in the same way that they have tuned out anything dealing with “groping”, and “sexual harassment” when it comes to trump. Both sides have dug in and very few voters will even bother to care if some new Wikileaks email shows Hillary stole money from the pushka at the mikvah on 13th Avenue or the “victim” no. 77 comes forward claiming that Donald inappropriately fondled her. The sheeple no longer care and just want this nightmare to be over with.

  2. if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.

    if you vote for Hillary, get ready for more. for worse.

    there is no positive description for an Orthodox Jewish Hillary supporter

  3. Right gadol hadora nobody cares about obamas or hillaries lies abuses and total incompetence like Obamacare so what if we were sold a bill of goods that will ruin so many individuals the government will fix the fix

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