Jewish Owned Stores In Woodbourne Vandalized Over First Days Of Sukkos

iswAt least three stores in the Town of Woodbourne in Sullivan County were vandalized over the first days of Sukkos.

The Woodbourne Bakery (Gombos), I Swirl (Ice cream) and Le Chocolate were the victims of the crime.

Sources tell YWN that it appears that a BB gun was used to shoot out the windows in the establishments.

YWN has confirmed that the Fallsburg Police is investigating the incidents, and Detectives are working the case to ensure the suspect(s) are apprehended.

(Chaim Shaprio – YWN)

One Response

  1. Was not a BB gun, obviously someone used stones to throw at windows.

    Also, it is 6 or 7 stores not three- Gombos, the Shoe store, the supermarket, the butcher, the Jewish bookstore, I swirl, and Mr. Schnitzel. Swirl, the supermarket and gombos are the only ones with completely broken windows, the other have cracked windows or doors. Bubbys, the pizza place and Dougies were not touched.

    Source- I live here

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