Widows Of Three Jewish Quarter Terror Victims Visit The Kosel On Sukkos

1The widows of Rabbi Nechemia Lavi HY”D, R’ Aharon Benita-Bennett HY”D and Rabbi Reuven Biermacher HY”D, who were murdered in terror attacks in the Jewish Quarter in Jerusalem, sent out an invitation ahead of Sukkos, inviting yomtov celebrators to come and visit Jerusalem, the Jewish Quarter of the Old City and the Kosel. The call is the initiative of the OneFamily organization, the supporters of thousands of families hurt and bereaved in terror attacks, relates to the latest renewal of terror attacks in the past month and as a result of the UNESCO latest decision regarding the Kosel.

The published call was announced in the name of Mrs. Adel Benita-Bennett, who was severely wounded in a terror attack in which her husband Aharon was murdered in the attack last Sukkos; Mrs. Neta Lavi, whose husband Nechemia was murdered while trying to assist Aharon and his family; and the Biermacher family, whose father Reuven was murdered at Jaffa Gate December of 2015. They proclaim “Here we stand together, the families of the bereaved and terror victims from the past year, and invite Am Yisrael to come up during Sukkot this year and visit the Jewish Quarter and the Kosel”.

More so in the announcement was said that “Despite the threats and despite the fear, we ask Am Yisrael not to give in to terror. As the main purpose of terror is to scare us and bring down our spirit, we stand by and ask Am Yisrael to proudly march the streets of our historic and capital city as we celebrate this holiday of joy and as we commemorate the many murdered over the past year, who all join the chain of generation of the fallen from our nation for Jerusalem the holy city. Rejoice with Jerusalem and be glad for her, all you who love her”

Chantal Belzberg, director of OneFamily organization says that “the outrageous UNESCO decision has brought out one good thing: it has united all of Am Yisrael around Jerusalem and around the Kotel. We therefore call out during this holiday of Sukkos, alongside with the families of the terror victims to all of Am Yisrael to put aside all controversy and unite together at our best connecting source – the sites that are the core of history of our nation”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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