President Rivlin to the UN: You Cannot Change History

rivAs reported by YWN-ISRAEL, Israel last week announced it is suspending all cooperation with UNESCO following the UN-affiliate’s latest outrage, its resolution denying any Jewish connection to Har Habayis and the Kosel.

The draft vote was ratified by UNESCO on Tuesday, the first day Chol Hamoed Sukkos in Eretz Yisrael as reported by YWN-ISRAEL.

Following is President Reuven Rivlin’s response to the draft resolution.

“There is no festival more connected to Jerusalem than Sukkos,” began the President. “The festivals of Israel all highlight the inextricable bond between our people and our land, and no forum or body in the world can come and deny the connection between the Jewish people, the Land of Israel and Jerusalem – and any such body that does so simply embarrasses itself.” The President added, “We can understand criticism, but you cannot change history”.

The President made the comments as he was joined at his residence by children of President’s Office staff members to decorate the President’s sukkah in preparation for the upcoming festival. Before helping the children hang decorations and pictures in the sukkah, President Rivlin welcomed them and said, “I want to wish all the people of Israel a happy and joyous Sukkos, which we are able to celebrate thanks to the dedication and hard work of the security services who deserve our praise.”

He concluded by inviting the Israeli public to the traditional Open Sukkah at the President’s Residence, “Come and be welcomed in the sukkah,” he said, “which is the sukkah in your house. The President’s Residence is the home of all citizens of Israel. From here, go to the Kosel– not out of a need to explain to anyone the connection between us and the Western Wall, but because there is no greater elation than to be at the Kosel in Israel.”

Deputy Foreign Minister Hotevely’s response:

“The Executive Board of UNESCO has disgraced its international mandate in this politicized and distorted resolution. The fact that more states abstained than supported the resolution underscores the deep reservations of many states with regard to this shameful resolution. The countries that supported this resolution have lent their voice to the lie propagated by the Palestinians that the Temple Mount is an exclusively Islamic site. This falsification of history is an affront to the ancient Jewish and Christian connections to Jerusalem.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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