Miami Yeshivas Cancel School Ahead Of Hurricane Mathew

mattMultiple Yeshivas and Bais Yaakov’s in the Miami area have decided to cancel classes ahead of Hurricane Mathew. Yeshiva Toras Chaim Toras Emes, Sha’arei Bina, Bais Yaakov of Miami, and the Lubavitch Educational Center are just some of those.

The following are the alerts sent to the parents from the following schools:

Yeshiva Toras Chaim Toras Emes:

Dear YTCTE Parents,

With the approach of Hurricane Matthew, we have made the following determinations regarding school closures.

All classes for ECE, KES and RMS students are canceled for Thursday and Friday.

All classes for DACHS students are canceled for Thursday. The schedule for Friday will be determined by 4:00 PM on Thursday and you will be updated accordingly.

No determinations have been made regarding next week. We will update you regarding the schedule for Sunday and Monday once we are able to inspect our campuses after the storm.

Please see below on how you can stay informed and updated on school information.

Once we decide to open school, if you feel it is unsafe to travel from where you live then please stay home and take all necessary precautions.

Stay safe and wishing everyone a G’mar Chasima Tova,

Yeshiva Toras Chaim Toras Emes


Sha’arei Bina:

Dear Parents and Students,

With Hurricane Mathew approaching, please be aware that we follow the Broward County Public School closings, therefore, we will be closed tomorrow and Friday. If Broward County will be closed on Monday, we will follow suit.

Stay safe.

Sha’arei Bina Administration


Bais Yaakov of Miami

Dear Parents,

The Miami-Dade school district has announced that Public Schools will be closed on Thursday and Friday.

As per our policy, Bais Yaakov will be following the Miami Dade County Public School system and we will be closed as well on
Thursday, October 6th and Friday, October 7th.

G’mar Chasima Tova!


Lubavitch Educational Center

3 Tishrei, 5776
October 5th, 2016

Dear Parents,

In following Miami-Dade County Schools decision, Lubavitch Educational Center will be closed tomorrow, Thursday and Friday. Again, there will be NO SCHOOL tomorrow and Friday. We urge all our parents to take precautions in accordance with the governments directives and stay stafe.

With blessings for a Shana Tova,

Rabbi Benzion Korf

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