On Behalf Of The Beis Din Tzedek Of The Eidah Hachareidis In Yerushalayim – A Sacred Call


As we stand in the days of mercy and Selichos, in the days of introspection, we must heed the call of our brothers in Israel, in their communities across our holy land, to save them and their children from falling into a spiritual abyss, R”l.

Peylim-Yad L’Achim, which is acting on behalf of the Torah camp in Israel, is based in:

Yerushalayim at Rechov Nachum 8; and in Bnei Brak, at Rechov Yerushalayim 14.

Their activists are immersed in the holy work of saving our fellow Jews from spiritual danger, working selflessly every day to save misguided Jews from missionaries, ym”sh; and, with G-d’s help, returning thousands of souls beneath the wings of the Divine presence. With supreme dedication, they have transferred children from schools that teach apostasy, R”l, to Torah institutions,

Yad L’Achim has now stepped up its efforts, with supreme dedication, to help the new immigrants from France who are subjected to the determined efforts of Immigration and Absorption officials to steer them away from the path of Torah and mitzvos, R”l. The leaders of Yad L’Achim have already succeeded, with G-d’s help, in extricating many of the children of new immigrants and bringing them to the world of Torah.

At the same time, there continues to be the severe danger of Jewish women and their children being caught in the net of assimilation and impurity, R”l, in Arab villages facing dire fates. Therefore:

It is a great mitzvah to come to their assistance in any way possible for the sake of this great mitzvah!!

In order that they may continue and intensify their activities, especially now when the state of general education is so terrible, who can say I acted to save the boys and girls of Israel from shemad, R”l.

It is certain that anyone who helps in this sacred endeavor, physically or monetarily, will be graced with all good, and this great matter will stand them in good stead in the days of mercy and Selichos, for good and salvation.

And may we merit to be written and signed for a good year, a year of the glory of Torah and fear of Hashem and education for the children of Israel in accordance with our tradition, a year of redemption and salvation with the arrival of the Mashiach.

We hereby sign in the hope of Heavenly Mercy on 3 Elul, 5776, the Beis Din Tzedek of the Eidah Hachareidis in Yerushalayim:

Harav Moshe Shternbuch, Raavad

Harav Avraham Yitzchak Ulman

Harav Yehoshu Rosenberger

Harav Yaakov Mendel Yuravitch

Harav Yehudah Fischer

This appeal is exceptional in that involves actual pikuach nefesh such that, in case of need, it would be permissible to desecrate Shabbos. Therefore, all those who fear Hashem should act quickly, with all their might, to come to the assistance of this lofty issue that the important askanim, representative of the Gedolim and of all of the Jewish people, and one should consider the matter in this light.

May all those who support this generously be blessed with abundance and blessing and success and all good.

Harav Yitzchak Tuvia Weiss, Gaavad

For more information and to support Yad L’Achim, please call 1-866- 923-5224 or visit

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