186,923 Births And 82,315 Chupahs In Israel In 5776

chuppahAhead of Rosh Hashanah, the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) released information pertaining to the number of people born and died in Israel in 5776. Baruch Hashem, there were 186,923 births reported as opposed to 45,033 deaths. This represents an increase from 5775, during which there were about 168,000 births and 42,000 deaths.

During 5776 state officials recorded 26,990 new immigrants. There were 82,315 marriages, 23,855 divorces, and 732,812 new identity cards were issued. (Youths receive their own ID card at the age of 16).

On the eve of Rosh Hashanah 5777 the population is reportedly 8,412,000.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. There were “82,315 Chupahs In Israel” in 5776. There were 82,315 marriages. This includes Christians, Muslims, Druze, etc. Israel is not a Torah state. The Israeli government officially recognizes non-Jewish religions. What’s worse is the Jew-hating Muslims are just as much citizens of Israel in every way under Israeli civil law.

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