New Selichos ‘Nusach Ungarn’ Published In Melbourne [PHOTOS]



Due to a worldwide unavailability of Selichos “Nusach Ungarn” the Adass Yisroel Kehilla in Melbourne Australia has just published a newly-typeset edition of the Selichos for the benefit of their mispallelim.

This is probably the first time ever that a Selichos has been printed in this part of the world.

The “Nusach Ungarn” Selichos has many more pieces than those found in the the Nusach Poilen and Lita editions.

Rabbi Yoel Oppenheim, (Magid Shiur in the Adass Yeshiva Betzel Hachochmo, and son-in-law of Adass Dayan Rav Yehuda Katz), painstakingly put together the entire text after which (Shul member and) local printer Mr Yumi Rosenbaum used his creative genius to publish an amazingly clear and user-friendly Selichos. They were assisted by Rabbi Shimon Opman whose input enhanced the entire project. One of the features of this edition is the inclusion of the “repeat” of the first stanza at he end of each pizmon as is the minhag in the Kehilla.

The Selichos has been printed in 2 sizes including a large type edition for the benefit of older mispallelim. A number of generous sponsors assisted with the cost of publication and donated a large number of Selichos for use by all in Shul.

As only a handful of Kehillos worldwide still use the Nusach Ungarn (mainly those with Oberlender and Yekkish backgrounds) the usual publishers overlook the need for this Nusach. Thus this undertaking has been welcomed here and also the other Kehillos who have been loyal to their traditional Nusach. It is expected that some of them will be contacting Adass for copies for their members.

02 03 04

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

One Response

  1. The nusach most ashkenaz shuls in England use is also Minhag Ungarn. There are three main editions available. The old sinai one which is error riddled, the English translated Rosenfeld edition (the one with the colourful sifrei torah on the cover, probably the most popular), and the weingarten selichos hameforash.
    Hopefully, the Melbourne Addas can send some to the old country.

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