TRUMP JR. MAKES SHOCKING JOKE: Says Media Would Be ‘Warming Up The Gas Chamber’ If GOP Acted Like Hillary [UPDATED]

holThe Anti-Defamation League is calling on Thursday for Donald Trump’s oldest son to apologize for making what appeared to be a Holocaust-themed joke.

In an interview with a Philadelphia radio station on Wednesday, Donald Trump Jr. accused the Democrats of rigging their primary system.

Donald Trump Jr. was interviewed on 1210 WPHT radio in Philadelphia with host Chris Stigall and said the following:

“The media has been her number one surrogate in this….Without the media, this wouldn’t even be a contest, but the media has built her up. They’ve let her slide on every in-discrepancy, on every lie, on every DNC game trying to get Bernie Sanders out of this thing. If Republicans were doing that, they’d be warming up the gas chamber right now.”

The ADL, an international anti-Semitism organization, tweeted Thursday that “trivialization of the Holocaust and gas chamber is NEVER ok.”

The group then tweeted that its members hoped Trump Jr. understood the “insensitivity and hurt” caused by his joke and asked for an apology.

The Trump campaign did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

(AP / YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

32 Responses

  1. Every single Jewish Trump supporter should demand an apology – including Jared Kushnir.

    Don’t hold your breath.

    This is beyond disgusting and an insult to the 6,000,000 Jews killed by the Nazi pigs YM”S!

  2. I have to get notified on my phone for some idiotic comment someone makes. Come on! Please have a little more discretion in notifications.

  3. Fred he’s right they’d bury him
    And I’m a first generation
    You just hate trump and will vote for a women yhe kissed a terriers wife

  4. everyone calm down. this is no big deal he happens to be right. and its not insulting for someone to use the word gas chambers. im sorry. no apology necessary.

  5. It was a stupid comment without malice or hatred that he should never have said. If your deeply offended then go and say a few kiputal tehillem, would do the kedoshim more good then donal trump junior apologizing.

  6. Chip off the old block. He is apparently as mentaly unstable as his dad. I am sure that he will follow his great family tradition of never apologizing.

  7. apparently the words “gas chambers” became a curse word. gimme a break. if he apologizes i wont accept it. time for everyone to grow up

  8. as jews, were hated enough. just keep our heads low. protesting an appology wont do any good. lets not flame the already burning fire. it was a COMMENT. stop it. just stop. leave it. let it go. LET IT GOOO!

  9. I agree. Donald has shown over and over again that he is a close friend to our Community and a great constant and consistent supporter of Israel. Under a Trump Adm you will not have a rep from the White House condemning Israel for building in East Jerusalem

  10. Guys, don’t forget that he’s a goy. Aderaba, it shows that the holocaust is on his mind that he uses it as an example. He means mass murder. It’s a common concept in these times.
    Of course, for a Jew to say it would be insensitive, but how is a gentile expected to feel our pain?

  11. To No. 13

    If these Trumpkofs haven’t learned after 18 months of campaigning that the Shoah and the Swastika off-limits to jokes, comparison etc., its unlikely to ever learn. They confuse vulgarity and disgusting/hurtful comments with humor, sarcasm and political incorrectness. Its wrong when the Dems do it (and they do) and equally wrong when the Repubicans do. He should apologize and move on.

  12. Oh, the ADL has decided that I must be offended because someone said something that they decided was offensive.

    Can anyone remember when the ADL criticized, commented, noted, press-released, or anything of the kind for the Iran deal – where our government created a ‘deal’ that seems to benefit Iran more than just about anyone else… where Germany reports that Iran is moving closer to their nuclear program goals, where the US ignores all of the violations, where there are still secret side deals that are unlikely to benefit our supposed ally ISRAEL? Please – someone show me the ADL outrage for the REAL stuff.

    Please, someone show me the published outrage of the millions, nay billions, of dollars in CASH that our government just palleted over to Iran and secreted to them in the “middle of the night” to not only pay the mullahs a ransom, but to enrich them… even our State Department cannot account for the money and admits it likely went into the hands of Hezbollah. Please, where is the ADL outrage? Where is the ADL calling on our so-called representatives in Congress to do something about it?

    Which side is the ADL on? Can someone show me where the ADL criticized something that is highly likely to ACTUALLY hurt Jews???

    Until you show me the ADL actually criticizing the REAL WORLD ACTIONS of the people who hate the Jewish people and not the bogus outrage against mere words, dear ADL: please stuff it in a can.

  13. It seems to be a Trump Family Thing
    NOT to Think What you’re saying
    Rather Trump Than a Woman who Creeps to Our Enemies
    Like Corbyn of Labour in UK

  14. Siyug lechochma shtika people should learn tobstop trying to sound smart and just keep their mouths closed emor meat vasay harbay

  15. Funny how (((we))) get so insulted when a republican candidate which Jewish daughter says any small thing that the grasping for straws media spins to be anti Semitic and suddenly cares about Jews yet Hillary can hug Arafat a Jewish child killer can sign the Iran deal boycott Netanyahu speech and gets advice from HOLOCAUST-denier max blumenthal when we denounce this which matters actions not rhetoric not some retweet or gas reference then things will be put into perspective ,his policies closed border no Muslim extremists vs hers tell me which aligns more with the Jewish values
    Btw all the people who are tweeting and complaining bout this compared a presidential candidate to Adolph hurler that is deplorable/disgusting just for their political advantage

  16. Glad to see the ADL is still around. I hadn’t heard from them in a few weeks, I thought they disbanded.

    I’m sure all of you also emailed the Democrat party when their emails came out to tell them how “offended” y’all were by their blatant anti-Semitism.

  17. Isn’t a gas chamber something that States used to use for committing court mandated executions? isn’t that a government thing?

    gas chambers and crematoria are two different things in the context of the Nazis, eh?

    methinks the ADL doth protest too much in its zeal to get its candidate, the ill, flawed, #BLM supporting, iran deal supporting Hillary coronated as president.

    perhaps Jews should not overreact. this has nothing to do with us: nothing to see here.

    ADL- go find some purported victims somewhere else!

  18. ADL is officially corrupt never condemning the democrats for all their anti semitic rants, will the ADL tell me what and when I should be offended???

  19. I truly believe all this anti trump comments are really the same radical democrat with different names posting his radical ideology.

  20. The ADL are anti Israel,pro BDS and pro Arab.Since when are they concerned about Jewish feelings’Its only that they’re leftists and pro Hillary and anti Trump do they speak up.

  21. I can’t believe this! A bunch of babies! I’m embarrassed that I look at the same site that you do! There is NOTHING I mean NOTHING wrong what he said! Just because they used gas to strangle Jews doe not mean that the Jews have the right over the words “Gas Chambers”! Can someone explain how it was wrongly used? Where was anything about Jews or the war even mentioned? (BTW the war doesn’t belong to us!)

  22. Offended by what gas chambers are still used in 7 states in USA to kill killers. The problem here isn’t his statement but the demo apologists that look to destroy a good man

  23. This had nothing to do with the Shoah. We have Capital Punishment in the USA. Has everyone forgotten? Gas chamber, electric chair, lethal injection. I’m missing something, in the Torah, we also have Capital Punishment.

    Does the Torah Law also fall under the Liberal Agenda?

    Oh, just for the records, I’m an Independent.

  24. Ok #1 everyone chill there’s nothing wrong with what he said. #2 yeshivah bachur: stop complaining about your notifications if your not interesting in receiving them then unsubscribe. Why do we all have to hear which posts you think are newsworthy.

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