WATCH THIS: Hillary Clinton Collapsing At 9/11 Memorial And Being Carried Into Her Van [UPDATED 12:04PM ET]


Senior Fox News Correspondent Rick Leventhal reported that Hillary left the 9/11 ceremony at Ground Zero with some type of medical episode and appeared to have fainted as she was being helped to her van.

A security source confirmed to Leventhal that Hillary “clearly had some type of medical episode”. She had to be helped into her protective van at the World Trade Center.

An eye witness told Leventhal that “she stumbled off the curb, her legs buckled, and she lost a shoe as she was being helped into her van.

The Clinton campaign initially would not confirm Clinton’s location to reporters. After Clinton left the ceremony, the reporters following her on the campaign trail were prevented from leaving the media area.

Around an hour later Clinton spokesman Nick Merrill said in a statement that the former secretary of state attended the morning ceremony for 90 minutes “to pay her respects and greet some of the families of the fallen.

He adds, “During the ceremony, she felt overheated so departed to go to her daughter’s apartment, and is feeling much better.”

The statement offered no additional details, including whether Clinton required medical attention.

Later Hillary Clinton says she’s “feeling great” when she walked out of her daughter Chelsea’s apartment in Manhattan just before noon on Sunday.

Clinton says, “It’s a beautiful day in New York. I’m feeling great. Thank you.”

Her campaign has not offer additional details, including whether Clinton required medical attention.

Donald Trump supporters have tried to make the case that she’s physically unfit for the White House, citing a concussion she sustained in December 2012 after fainting. Her doctor attributed the episode to a stomach virus and dehydration.

She was among the many dignitaries at the annual event at ground zero in lower Manhattan, joining New York’s Democratic senators, Chuck Schumer and Kirstin Gillibrand, as she stood during the ceremony.

Trump also attended the memorial service. Neither he nor Clinton spoke at the event, in keeping with the solemn nature of the annual remembrance of the deadliest terror attack on American soil.

(Charles Gross – YWN / AP)

25 Responses

  1. By what legal right did her campaign prevent the reporters from leaving the media area? How long were they illegaly confined by her Stalinist campaign? Was she taken to an underground Dem party hospital? Well I guess we can expect a lot of openness if she’s elected.

  2. I fear there is another mechanism here. There is enough evidence to indicate that she is medically ill. This is a fitting excuse to explain a host of other behaviors, including some of the really dangerous things she will do if ch”v elected. In reality, the reason that she would be doing these really dangerous things is not because of disease, but because of being morally and fundamentally evil. Her ideas are based on her own grandiose narcissism, with no connection whatsoever to the ultimate good of America. In that, she is following closely in the footsteps of Obama y”sh, who has yet to find a terror cause that he does not support.

    She does not need a hospital or a doctor. She needs a prosecutor and a prison.

  3. It is far better to have a president that suffers from physical disablities than one who clearly suffers from mental disabilities.

    I would rather have an FDR in a wheelchair than a shirtless Putin in the boxing ring.

  4. Little that I know – go out and educate yourself a little more. Perhaps you are unaware that is was Obama who killed Osama Bin Laden and who has used drone strikes to kill more terrorists than any other President. It is Obama that has orchestrated the fight that is pushing ISIS out of cities in Iraq and Syria and had cut there recruitment in half.

    You should at least be thankfull that in Obama’s America you can still read and listen to all types of overblown critiscm of the commander in chief. In Trumps America (G-d forbid) you will no longer be able to count on a robust freedom of the press.

  5. To crazy kanoi maybe u exalt that Bill Clinton ignored bin laden that caused this whole mess so stop giving credit to the perpetrators I wish we could send all libs to there own country and let them experiment with all their foolish ideas and c how long they last when they can’t rob all the working people anymore

  6. It is beyond belief that we Americans need to choose between two people with NPD (narcissistic personality disorder) both mentally unfit for the presidency. Must we vote either for a dangerous, corrupt liar of a woman who is (apparently) also physically unfit or for an ignorant madman?! What’s scarier – a conniving snake of a woman or a total nutcase? Are these the two people in the entire USA most fit to run for president?! Moshiach must be on his way because this is an impossible situation. If he doesn’t arrive before election day, I can’t imagine myself voting for either of them. The scenarios I am conjuring up in my minds eye are Hilary letting Iran go full steam ahead with their nuclear program or Donald goading Iran by blowing up their ships thereby pushing them to retaliate with a nuclear bomb on Israel. They are both highly dangerous.

  7. Taking a break – As if the great Conservative ideas have fared much better. How about entering Iraq for no good reason cacausig, thousands of deaths and the deficit to explode. The Iraq war emboldened the Shia in Iran and destabilized the entire region.

    BTW the one who is taking away the money of the working class is Trump who says that he will levy a 35% tariff on imports which will essentially be a new 35% consumption tax on working Americans. Unless you work in a coal mine or assembly line Trumps economic populism will cause you much pain in your pocket

  8. Try to turn off Hannitty for a few minutes and look at the real world facts.

    Bush left this country in economic decline with soaring unemployment, a collapsing stock market, rising gas prices, real estate market in freeefall and a ballooning defecit.

    Obama’s inhereted the costs of the Bush wars but still managed to cut unemployment in half and today gasoline prices are down and the stock market is at record highs and the real estate market is booming. Obama’s America has performed better economically than any other industrialized nation. These are the facts no matter how much the Hannity’s of this world try to spin it otherwise.

  9. Uncle Ben:
    You mean, like Barack Obama? He promised us the most transparent White house in history. But the voters (to quote Hillary) were so dumb and stupid, they elected the race baiter for 2 consecutive terms and would do it again if it was possible (believe me, he’s working on it).

  10. So much secrecy surrounds this woman.
    The content of her emails on an unprotected server and now what appears to be a health issue.
    Deflecting the repeated question about her health with “it’s a beautiful day in New York” just makes her look like someone who’s trying hard to hide things from the American public who deserve to know who their future leader might be.
    If it were nothing of concern, wouldn’t she have fessed up by now?
    The more she hides, the more untrustworthy she looks.

  11. Time for Hillary to open another pickle jar on live TV in order to “prove” to us that she is not about to hit the bucket.

  12. To crazy kanoi the only claims you can make about Obama are when they use phony numbers because any of the promises he made did not happen cheaper healthcare etc

  13. Not Getting Involved:
    Yes, though I don’t think she’s even promising that. If she did they would would probably laugh in her face. By the way that quote from the witch is one of the few times I agree with her.

  14. As someone who is about the same age as Hillary, I can tell you that sitting out in the sun for a ceremony is going to exhaust you and make you sleepy or dizzy or whatever she was. She got over it, and I suggest the rest of you get over it. There are real objections to her candidacy, but her health is not one of them.

    And I suggest that some of you learn more about President Franklin Roosevelt, who led America through World War II with congestive heart failure and without the use of his legs.

    And for a really good laugh, read that note from that doctor who vouched for Trump’s health. It reads like something written by a campaign staff with no knowledge of medicine.

  15. #22 Nice try, huju
    how much DNC is paying you to spread their talking points? You are probably spending too much time in the sun that makes you “sleepy or dizzy”. Time to get into the shade.

  16. Just imagine if she was commander in chief on 9/11/01 or ch”v another tragedy, do we want someone fainting and collapsing like a fly (it makes no difference the reason why she collapsed), it’s ironic that thousands of people including donald trump were able to be at the ceremony for hours and this little fly couldn’t even hold up for an hour, wake up America!

  17. Re comment 23: Maybe I am spending too much time in the sun, because, regrettably, I am not being paid by the DNC or anyone else for making a not-unfavorable comment about the worst and politically weakest Democratic candidate ever nominated. But she’s still better than that fool with the preposterous comb-over that the Republican party nominated.

    Which do you think is more hollow? Trump’s comb-over, or the thing over which the comb-over is combed?

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