Op-Ed: Refuting Ezra Friedlander’s Opinion Column Regarding Hillary’s VP Candidate Tim Kaine

fEzra Friedlander takes special effort to promote Tim Kaine, a transparent attempt to deflect our view on the Democrat candidate herself. This would be at least amusing if Kaine was the prime candidate instead of the heartbeat-away candidate. Unfortunately, he and his chevra require that we check our brain at the door: Kaine is moving more toward a Hillary hashkafa rather than the reverse.

Let us look at who Tim Kaine supports, and for who Tim Kaine now lies.

The FBI Director Comey testified that Hillary Clinton was not truthful in any of her statements regarding her personal server: That it was permitted by State Department policy (it wasn’t), over use of multiple devices (untrue), that she returned all work related emails after her tenure (she didn’t), that she properly handled classified material (untrue), that the information wasn’t classified at the time she handled it (untrue), that others may have but she didn’t (untrue), that it wasn’t properly marked (it was), that it wasn’t very sensitive in any case (it was), and that she didn’t delete any work-related emails (she did). She also, as we learned from these emails, lied to the families of the Benghazi victims. The incriminating information about her emails and contained within her emails continues to flow forth, with even more shocking information arriving at our doorsteps on Friday (her inability to recall national security briefings about which she’s affixed her signature because of something in her medical ‘past’, and thousands of more emails she failed to turn over, and her overt attempts to delete emails subject to formal discovery or investigative processes).

But enough about emails. Let’s take a step back; the public’s impatient eyes glaze over with disinterest over any more email discussion. Besides, why should Jews care?

Hillary not only supported the outbreak of the so-called Arab Spring, she was a willing participant. She caused the ouster and murder of Qaddafi (who had been cooperating with us over Libya’s WMD) and brazenly admitted “We came. We saw. He died. Hee hee hee.” Her policies directly caused the rise in ISIS in Libya, and famously led to the attack by ISIS terrorists on U.S. interests in Benghazi and the assassination of Ambassador Stevens. Hillary lied and people died.

Now Israel has to contend strategically with ISIS north, east, and south – Syria, Iraq, and in the Sinai along their backdoor. The CIA director testified in an open congressional session that ISIS has infiltrated refugee flows to Europe and the USA – a tactical nightmare but also a ticking bomb in that first and second generation “immigrant” planting their seeds in the melting pot of our Civil Society. During her term as SECSTATE, her specialty was yelling and cursing; she self-described her role in the Obama White House in dealing with Israeli officials: “I was often the ‘designated yeller.’ ” Hillary’s policies, and the ramifications thereof, certainly seem to have some relevance to the Jewish world.

It was only during the congressional inquiry into this tragedy that we discovered her private secret server. We subsequently learned from additional emails that the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI, Hillary’s “foundation”) was being used as the personal plaything of her staff. Her server was secret so that she could avoid scrutiny into CGI’s activities, a violation of the Federal Records Act. As I write, there are multiple investigations into how contributors to Hillary’s CGI were granted favors at the top of the State Department queue; racketeering in the purest form! Our society of law-and-order we ditch while the Clintons enrich.

We’re way beyond the sale of the Lincoln Bedroom. Is the sale of U.S. Foreign policy, or pieces thereof, or key employment placement within the policy establishment, or the best financial deals and opportunities – all up for the highest bidders to Hillary’s CGI – really to the benefit of the U.S.A? It defies logic to contend that it does. Who are Hillary’s friends? Who has the biggest checkbook? Which countries and interests have the biggest checkbook? Are they friends of the Jews?

Hillary Clinton supports #BlackLivesMatter, an organization that philosophically aligns itself with the ‘Palestinians’ Arabs, and comes to Israel to take up the common-cause of the Occupation. Stoking the flames of anti-police anarchy only in the U.S.A is apparently not sufficient. It is difficult to twist these events into being beneficial for Jews, orthodox Jews, or the rule of law for that matter. Mr. Kaine seems to be in lock-step with her on this and other issues.

Only in a society sufficiently dumbed-down by a Leftist-run education system can trophies for showing up be considered “experience.” Only in such a place can the actual results of a Secretary of State’s missteps – a middle east on fire – be spun positively in ways that defy logic. Hillary has no documented accomplishments that resulted in anything beneficial to the U.S. If she is the best prepared, one must wonder – best prepared to do what?

Hillary hasn’t given a traditional press conference to answer for her “successes” in over 270 days. Mr. Kaine continues to defend his candidates history, behavior, and continued obfuscation. Nothing in his current behavior, history, nor support of the indefensible should be worthy of support of the frum community.

Yossi Wetstein
Baltimore, Maryland

Mr. Wetstein is not affiliated with any candidate, campaign, nor PAC. As an amateur opinion writer, he is concerned for the rule of law and the U.S. Constitution, and is most appreciative of the United States as a malchus shel chessed.


(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

18 Responses

  1. Wetstein cannot be serious; if he was, he would realize that in a binary choice situation, voting for the Trumpkupf would be risking the life of every American in the hands of an ignorant and impulsive individual who could drag us into a global war because someone had insulted him.

  2. One should inquire:

    1. As Senator from NY, what legislation did she accomplish, either sponsoring or co-sponsoring?

    2. As Secretary of State, what accomplishments that are beneficial to America and to Israel can be cited?

    The answer to both questions is NOTHING.

    All we get from her is some coughing, lots of cackling, and statements that are blatantly untrue. It is a true wonder that she moved up the system in politics. Her qualifications are so poor, and her record shows nothing worth considering. This says lots about the voting public, being so stupid and blind.

  3. Gadolhadorah , you are an idiot. Everything you say about Trump already was done by Clinton and Obama. I would rather trust Trump with the Presidency than a brain damaged liar who claims that she does not remember what she dis yesterday.

  4. Sorry Mr Friedlander is a lobbyist for hire. He’ll support the liberal candidate that will give him funding for the companies that he represents. His support does not come from what he believes is best for our community.

  5. Ezra Friedlander, and other snake oil salesmen have Jewish blood on their hands. Thanks to their effort Iran got $1.7 Bl in cash and about to acquire nukes. Guess what Ezra, what do you thing Iran is doing with this cash and what do they intend to do with the nukes? I am sure you know the answer.

  6. Commenter # 2 – You call yourself “Gadolhadorah” but your comments usually are from Kotonhabrain!

    You must be kidding or playing “devil’s advocate” because you can’t always be that tzimisht.

    Do you really think we would be safe under a, chas v’sholom, Hillary presidency>

    You probably voted for Obama, not once but twice.
    I would call you Idiot but I don’t want to insult any Idiots.

  7. Well written response to a lobbyist looking to keep the gravy train rolling. Let’s also not forget that Kaine is also supported by J Street so Ezra you are in great company supporting the liberal agenda. Trump is obviously flawed, but he is the better of the two evils by a wide margin.

  8. I respect ezra as a frum yid, but I disagree on his approach. We can’t forget that as frum yidden, the main thing we care about is to do what is right. We have to show that we really really believe in Hashem and his torah and not get swayed by nice liberals or their money.

  9. Ezra Friedlander is cut from the same cloth as the candidate he is promoting.

    For money, both Friedlander and Hillary will sell their souls – whether it is to the benefit of the Americans or our worst enemies – the highest price wins!

    Ethics mean nothing! Shame on him!!!!

  10. I’m reading the comments and i really don’t know whether to laugh or cry. while its obvious that everyone is well meaning if not a little mean toward ezra friedlander but I do understand the passion yet i can tell that most readers are simply plain naive.
    Look, ezra is not endorsing Clinton even id his heart wants them to win its simply that he wants to impress upon the readership how the game is played. bringing Torah l into the equation is not the answer. deals are made that often stink to the high heaven. i can tell between the lines that this is what he is trying to inform everyone: don’t burn your bridges–he’s not trying to convince anyone that hillary or kaine is the best thing since sliced cheese.

    Everyone is harping about ezra getting paid. that in it of itself is absurd. campaigns don’t pay for op-eds. this alone should show everyone how childish the arguments are

  11. Youtumah, you are on the button!!

    Gadolhadorah is definitely Friedlander, except the verbiage is probably by Clinton’s speechwriter.

    Way too sophisticated for Friedlander….

  12. These generalizations don’t mean much. The important thing about Tim Kaine is that he refused to sign a letter to President Obama, signed by 83 Senators, asking the President to increase military aid to Israel in light of the fact that Hamas and Hezbollah have thousands of missiles. Why did Kaine refuse to sign this letter. It didn’t force Obama to do anything. It was just a request. His refusal to sign this letter shows an anti-Israel bias.

  13. Trump is an insane maniac. He has no understanding of the issues. If you want a 35% price increase on all imports vote Trump. If you don’t care about NATO allies vote Trump. If you think it is good to pull out of tge WTO organization, default on debt and ruin the American economy vote Trump. If you don’t know who David Duke is vote Trump. If you are normal and sane hold your nose and vote clinton.

    Godol Hadorah – You are the only one making sense here.

    The little I know – Just because you know little about her record as Senator doesnt mean that she has no achievments. Please educate yourself about Clinton’s legaslative achievments as Senator from NY such as getting funding for the Healthcare of 9/11 responders etc.

  14. to #15
    RE: “If you are normal and sane hold your nose and vote clinton.”?
    This is coming from some who has “crazy” in his name. I guess they let you use computers in the asylum.

  15. What we do know about trump is that he is a liar, he is an adulterer, he is a menuvel, he changes his stand on issues from hour to hour(like immigration), he is going to trial for fraud, he and his father were cited for housing discrimination.

  16. Wetstein is spot on and has obviously done his homework. We ignore him at our peril, indeed, our republic will not survive another four years of Obama-like failures. Is Trump perfect? No. He’s not “crazy”, either. He certainly doesn’t need the presidency, he’s quite wealthy and successful. He’s running for one reason – he sees the US in a downward spiral over the last eight years and desperately wants to fix it. I’m willing to give him the chance. You can thank Obama for creating an atmosphere that leaves someone like Trump the better choice.

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