Petira of R’ Shlomo (Steven) Hill Z’L [UPDATED]

hil6Shlomo (Steven) Hill, (b. 1922), legendary actor, prominent advocate for Yiddishkeit and beloved father and grandfather, passed away today in Monsey, NY. His impassioned speaking, sage advice and, general example of profound Emunah and Bitachon inspired thousands.

At the height of his acting career, Hill opted to become a practicing Orthodox Jew. This decision entailed enormous Mesiras Nefesh, due to his unwavering commitment of basic Halachic requirements, which often conflicted with the demands of the acting world. Yet, under the influence of the Skver Rebbe, R’ Yaakov Yoseph Twersky (1990 – 1968), he persevered, often refusing major roles and the accompanying allure of wealth and fame.

Despite his determined allegiance to Torah, he still managed to carve out a long and prestigious career on stage and screen.

In later years he would remark that he delighted in his acting much more after becoming frum since it was no longer the essence of his identity but simply a career which he enjoyed.

hillA series of events led Hill in the 50s and early 60s to a fateful trip to New Square, where the hakafos of the Rebbe Z”L and the friendship of the community culminated in his life’s devotion to Torah.

His determined faith and trust in the Ribbono Shel Olam will forever serve those who knew him as a source of strength and inspiration.

The Levaya will be held today (Tuesday) at 2:00PM at K’hal Sharei Tefillah (Rav Schlessinger Shul) located at 7 Nelson Road in Monsey, NY.

Boruch Dayan Ha’Emmes…

11 Responses

  1. What a mentch. We met him a few times in Miami Beach and he was very friendly and very approachable.
    It’s truly amazing how he became a frum person and raised a “chosuva” family. He was a “mussar haskel” as to what can can be accomplished. Even the “impossible”.

  2. Mini Bio (1)
    Born in Seattle, Washington, in 1922, as Solomon Krakovsky, to Russian Jewish immigrants, Hill became interested in the theater as a little boy. After graduation from high school, he served in the Naval Reserve (1940-44).
    Left the cast of Mission: Impossible (1966) after one season because, as an Orthodox Jew, he was unwilling to abide by the show’s production schedule. (That would have required him to work on the Jewish Sabbath.)
    Made a comeback with the television series at 68.
    Before he returned to acting, he was working as a real estate agent.
    Before he was a successful actor, he used to work in stage productions.
    Was re-enlisted in the Navy, between 1952 and 1954, before he seriously returned to acting.
    Served 4 years in the Naval Reserve.
    Has 9 children

  3. I was a kid growing up in Los Angeles in the ’60s, and we davened in Young Israel of Beverly Hills, where Rabbi Zalman Ury ztz”l was the Rov.
    I remember on a number of occasions on Shabbos after davening, my father A”H said to me: “You know who davened in shul today? Steven Hill!”. Whoa, that was a big deal!

  4. My late father always told us we could be anything we wanted to be & being frum doesn’t have to stop us. Mr. Hill was a perfct example. BDE.

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