Jewish Man Stabbed On Street In French City Of Strasbourg By Man Yelling ‘Allah Akbar’

f1An Orthodox Jewish man has been stabbed on a street in the French city of Strasbourg by an attacker reportedly shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’.

The attack took place at about 11:45AM in the Jewish quarter of the city.

The attacker was restrained by a witness before being arrested by police following the broad daylight attack in the middle of the street.

As reported by French news site DNA, several witnesses heard the man shout Allahu Akbar.

The 62-year-old Hasidic man does not have serious injuries. He is in a stable condition in the hospital.

A police source said the victim was in distinctive Jewish clothing.

Local police told BBC News the attack was “not terrorist-related”.

According to the police source quoted by AFP news agency, the suspected attacker has a history of mental illness.

Strasbourg is home to a large Jewish community.

(Chaim Shapiro – YWN)

4 Responses

  1. “Not terrorist related” , “”suspected attacker” has a history of mental illness”
    Yeah right, French anti Semites. Yelling allah Akbar doesn’t while stabbing is not terrorism related. Guess he considers the French society sooo stupid that he can get a rider for this one.

    Somehow, he was right though that yelling alla Akbar while stabbing should be choppered straight away to a mental institution.

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