Photo Essay: The Gavad Yerushalayim By The Mitzvah Of Sheluach Hakan (Photos by JDN)

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4 Responses

  1. Do they have a need for the egggs or for the nest? If so, it’s understandable to send the mother away so she does not see the fate of her chicks. But if you don’t have a use for the eggs, why cause agony to the mother by forcefully separating her from her chicks for no reason?

  2. That is the mitzva. Irrespective of ones need for the eggs one can do sheliach hakan. Open up a sefer hachinuch. Read. Learn. Grow

  3. שַׁלֵּחַ תְּשַׁלַּח אֶת-הָאֵם, וְאֶת-הַבָּנִים תִּקַּח-לָךְ,

    אֶת-הַבָּנִים תִּקַּח-לָךְ,
    If you have use of the eggs, if you plan to take her “sons,” then send her away so she should not be distressed.

    But if you do not plan to וְאֶת-הַבָּנִים תִּקַּח-לָךְ, why send her away?

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