IDF Backs Down A Bit On Hachnasas Sefer Torah Policy

idffIDF Chief of Manpower Branch Major-General Chaggai Tupolinsky recently announced new regulations, prohibiting the donor of a Sefer Torah to the IDF and the donor’s entourage from entering a base and taking part in a hachnasas Sefer Torah. Tupolinsky decided he would only permit a limited hachnasas Sefer Torah and banned the regular ceremonious accompaniment seen in the past. His directive also bans all soldiers from taking part in the event.

The head of the Personnel Branch’s Donor’s Division, Lt.-Colonel Einat Ratz-Levi has released a new directive, permitting up to eight donors into a base to take part in a hachnasas Sefer Torah, Kol Berama Radio correspondent Mendy Raizel reports.

The ban announced by Tupolinsky led to an outcry which reached IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-General Gadi Eizenkott. It is believed this led to modifying the directive, but prior arrangements must be made before members of a donor party will be permitted onto a base. It still remains unclear just how many soldiers if any will be permitted to participate for Tupolinsky’s order bans all soldiers.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. It’ll defeat the purpose of the IDF Shmad Organization if a secular Jew would get inspired by a Hachnosas Sefer Torah which might even start the spark to bring him back to Judaism.

    We must thank the IDF for doing all it can to prevent chareidim joining the army.

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