Paramedic Rescues Orthodox Jewish Woman on Ventilator After Tappan Zee Bridge Crane Collapse

tzbA paramedic is being hailed as a hero for coming to the aid of a woman on a respirator who was just minutes away from death after a construction crane collapsed across the Tappan Zee Bridge north of New York City.

WCBS-TV reports an ambulette was carrying a 26-year-old woman Tuesday when a crane crashed across the bridge, shutting down Thruway traffic in both directions.

Ambulance company officials say the patient couldn’t breathe on her own, and the respirator was running out of power.

Paramedic Ailyea Langbaum drove the wrong way toward the crane and reached the ambulette on foot.

The paramedic hooked up a portable respirator to the woman. A friend of the woman says she likely would’ve died if it weren’t for the paramedic’s efforts.


7 Responses

  1. It certainly is nice to hear some good news for a change. It seems that we don’t hear anything besides politics and killings.
    Thank you to the paramedic!

  2. Im thrilled the woman was OK.
    every mechanical vent pt MUST travel with a manual rescusitator to prevent trouble
    It is rather curious that they cut it so close with the battery, its very unusual.
    And why did they wait till she was literally moments from death?? the cops should have been notified AS SOON as they realized there may a problem

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