WATCH: Rabbi Ari Wolf Delivers Invocation At Opening Of RNC 2016; He IS Director of Administrative Services of Telshe Yeshiva

17 Responses

  1. “כל הרודף אחר הכבוד, הכבוד בורח ממנו”

    This sums up Rabbi Ari Wolf and why Hakadosh Baruch Hu orchestrated that he should be chosen to give the invocation at this very important and highly visible event!

  2. כל הבורח מן הכבוד הכבוד רודף אחריו

    This sums up Rabbi Ari Wolf and why Hakadosh Baruch Hu orchestrated that he should be chosen to give the invocation at this very important and highly visible event!

    (For those who didnt understand we meant the continuation of the mishna)

  3. Unbelievable how one of the most humble and noble people you will ever meet received such an honor.
    Well stated PloniAlmoni

  4. A real kiddush Hashem, a non partisan dignified benediction in sharp contrast to this evening’s benediction by a Pastor Mark Burns who believes that the Almighty takes sides in elections

  5. Governer Kasich took a moral stand and refused to speak at the convention.

    A man who kept a copy of Hitlers speeches by his bed and “never heard” of David Duke doesnt deserve a frum Jewish blessing.

  6. Thank you appleface! 🙂

    The mere fact that they twice chose a Jew,an Orthodox Rabbi, for their opening invocation – to me says worlds! It surely could NOT be for any political machinations.

    I believe (read: hope) it speaks for the moral perspectives of the Trump campaign.

    פַּלְגֵי-מַיִם לֶב-מֶלֶךְ, בְּיַד-יְהוָה; עַל-כָּל-אֲשֶׁר יַחְפֹּץ יַטֶּנּוּ.

  7. Ploni – Moral Trump Campaign? Are you kidding? They couldnt even get by the first day without plagiarizing from Michelle Obama – and they compound it by lying about it. Trump sticks to his one principle “never apologize”- sickening.

  8. crazykanoiy – whats wrong with using words that are meaningful that another spoke before you?

    Is this Torah that must be said b’shem ommro? Have you never heard a speaker say something like: “ask not what (fill in the blank) etc used in speeches – and not prefaced by “JFK said…”?

    If that’s their crime…. Nisht geferlach!

  9. P.s. “plagiarizing from Michelle Obama”? You think she has enough sechel to have written those lines? In a speech (vs writing an original book or article) it’s not as much who wrote the words as much as who and HOW they are said.

    In any case they still sought out 2 Orthodox Rabbis for their opening – and THAT says a lot!

  10. Ploni – bshem omro is correct not stealing words and making believe they are yours. If you really think that there is nothing wrong with plagiarism than the Donald is probably your man.

  11. Ploni – They sought out two Orthodox rabbis – and one of them declined because of what Trump represents and how he conducts himself. That is the moral and correct thing to do.

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