Rabbi Berland Says 21-Year-Old Shimon Yochai Lasri Z’L Was ‘Gilgul of Reb Nachman Of Breslov’

berlandRabbi Eliezer Berland , who remains imprisoned in Johannesburg for over 80 days, was informed of the recent petira of 21-year-old Shimon Yochai Lasri z”l, 21, a son of kiruv rav Rabbi Michael Lasri, a former talmid of Rav Berland.

Rav Berland’s recorded message states the young talmid yeshiva will inspire Moshiach to come and redeem Am Yisrael of all troubles and bring an end to the intifada and they will stop firing at Jews.

“He was a gilgul of Rav Nachman in this generation and is now a Malach in Shomayim. Now come to Jerusalem, leave Ashdod and rent an apartment in Jerusalem. I will escort you every day at all times and now we will only see miracles and wonders. He stopped the intifada and Jews will not be killed. From now on we will only see miracles and hatzlacha”.

Rav Michael Lasri on Sunday morning 13 Sivan spoke with Mordechai Lavi of Kol Chai Radio, explaining his son indeed achieved a very high spiritual level in his short life, accomplishing more than he has in 30 years of kiruv. He thanks the thousands of people who came to console him during shiva, instructing Am Yisrael to practice and work on one’s faith in HKBH daily so when such difficult occurrences take place, one can accept and understand them as one should.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. I would view this “prophecy” with skepticism.

    Since when does a niftar become a malach? That’s a Christian belief, not a Jewish one.

    Did he indeed stop the intifada? Have the acts of terrorism, the attacks, accusations, and so on stopped?

    Others have prophesied the imminent coming of Moshiach. The Sefer Chassidim from Rebi Yehuda HaChassid (Siman resh-vav, iirc) warns us about such people and such predictions.

    I will await the new miracles he predicts, and I hope they come soon, but until it happens, I will assume Hashem yisborach will do things in His own time, may it be soon.

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