Satmar Rebbe Of Kiryas Yoel Speaks Out Against NYS Probe Into Yeshiva Secular Education Standards

1On Tuesday the New York Daily News reported that the Satmar Rebbe of Kiryas Yoel, Rav Aaron Teitelbaum gave a Drasha to his thousands of followers in response to the city Education Department’s investigation into its schools for failing to provide adequate secular education as required by law.

“These are bad times for us Jews,” said the Satmar Rebbe. “We need to pray to Hashem that (city officials) should not interfere with the upbringing of our children.”

“Worthless … snitches” in the community are urging the government to take action “which the government doesn’t even want,” the Rebbe continued.

Last summer the Education Department announced that more than a dozen private schools would be investigated to make sure their curriculum follows secular education standards.

Nearly a year later, the review is continuing, though advocates say the Education Department is just stalling.

“This speech is concerning in many ways,” said Naftuli Moster, who founded Young Advocates for Fair Education, a group that works towards making yeshivas meet secular standards required by state law.

“Most concerning is the apparent collusion between community leaders and the (department) which might explain why the city investigation stalled early on,” he added.

The Satmar Rebbe’s address was transcribed and distributed to followers living in different areas, the Daily News reported.

The Rebbe also says the city has long ignored the state law regarding secular education.

“To put it bluntly, they simply turned a blind eye to what was going on by the Jewish children,” he said. “They didn’t want to look.”

City authorities say the review is active.

“We take this matter very seriously,” said Education Department spokeswoman Toya Holness to the Daily News.

(Source: Onlysimchas)

12 Responses

  1. The rebbe didn’t say the city ignored state laws, he said they didn’t interfere. Satmar follows basic minimum requirements by law.

  2. He can take his thousands of followers back to Europe on a boat if he doesnt like it.
    Or if that doesnt work, he can set sail to palestein.

  3. Moster is a lowlife former member of Satmar who openly derides those who believe in G-d and is motivated by one thing only: making trouble. In short, a vindictive moser of the worst kind.

    #6, you are the furthest thing from a chareidi amiti that I can imagine. I look forward to the day that this forum requires the use of real names not stupid “handles”. Let’s see if you’re willing to spout your hatred if people know who you are.

  4. You don’t need to pray; you need to behave and confirm to the law if you want to live in the us of a. If you don’t like it Israel is always available where you can raise your kids to be ignorant in reading writing and math etc….

  5. There are many yeshivos that turn out very talented graduates who are able to shteig with the best of the Satmar grads yet also have strong secular skills to earn a parnassah if that is their choice later on. Unclear why Satmar make this an either/or and seem proud that the meet “minimal” standards on secular instruction. There is a balance they could easily achieve if the Rebbe gave them such a directive.

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