Venezuelan UN Ambassador Equates Israel Today With Final Solution

1In another worrisome example of the growing anti-Israel sentiment in the international community, Venezuelan Ambassador to the UN Rafael Ramirez over the weekend compared the actions of the Israeli government today to Nazi Germany’s ‘final solution’ against the Palestinians. The ambassador made his remarks during a UN session on Friday, 28 Nissan.

In his words during a Security Council session, Ramirez questioned if Israel is working to impose a final solution against Palestinians throughout the “West Bank”.

Israeli Ambassador to the UN Danny Danon condemned his words, stating, “These are blunt anti-Semitic statements coming from the Venezuelan ambassador towards the Jewish nation. The ambassador’s statements are a continuation of the Palestinian representative’s statements which equated Israel to the Nazis only a few days ago. The Palestinians are bringing anti-Semitism to the UN and are bringing the language of racism to the world parliament.”

Ramirez issued an apology.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. Why listen to the crazed statements of a representative of a country that is going down the drain due to tyrannical selfish Communist leadership. They destroyed their oil industry, supermarkets are empty, and they are totally collapsing and incompetent.

  2. Why doesnt someone of major prominence like Malcolm Hoenlein speak out sttrongly against this stupid lowlife? And simply say, “What actions are the Israelis doing that is even remotely horrendous?” Answer: nothing

  3. Venezuela isn’t Communist. It is ruled — more accurately, misruled — by a corrupt bunch of political hack cronies who have destroyed everything they touch except their American subsidiary Citgo. Why anyone would listen to them on anything is a puzzle. But they still have time to blame the Joos!!!

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