Betar Illit Resident Killed in Motzei Shabbos MVA R”L

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A female driver was killed and a number of others injured in a head-on motor vehicle accident that took place after midnight on motzei Shabbos on Route 375 near the Hussan Bypass Road.

Ichud Hatzalah personnel from Betar Illit responded to the motzei Shabbos MVA along with MDA EMS personnel. The women killed in the accident has been identified as Mrs. Esther Gidah O”H, 65, a widow from Betar Illit. Her husband, Rav Yirmiyahu Gidah was niftar just a few months ago of illness related to his diabetes.

Investigators are trying to determine what caused one of the vehicle to veer into the lane of the opposing traffic, causing the head-in collision.

Mrs. Gidah did not have any offspring and therefore, the tzibur is requested to learn on behalf of Hadassah bas Eliyahu.

Published on the first day Chol Hamoed Pesach from Yerushalayim.



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(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem/Photos: Yosh Fire & Rescue via Media Resource Group)

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