Young Girl Struck And R’L Killed By Vehicle Driven By 16-Year-Old In Betar Illit

1A number of youths in Betar Illit set up a carwash in a parking lot in Betar Illit ahead of Pesach to earn some extra money. A car owner who wished to use their service gave one of the youths his car keys on Wednesday night the eve of 13 Nissan. The youth, 16, who does not have a drivers license, got into the vehicle to move it. He traveled a short distance in reverse, pinning 4-year-old Moll Bernstein o”h between the vehicle and a wall. Her injuries were grave.

The panicked youth fled but a short time later turned himself over to police.

Resuscitation efforts began on the girl, who was pronounced dead in a Jerusalem hospital.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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