IDF: Bearded Soldiers Banned from Participating in Ceremonies

idffFormer IDF Chief Rabbi Avichai Ronsky addressed the current difficulties encountered by religious bearded soldiers in the military. He spoke about a new regulation that a bearded soldier may not take part in an official ceremony, calling for immediate action to change the order.

Last week 0404 News reported that soldiers from the 202nd Paratroops Battalion were informed that religious bearded soldiers would not be permitted to participated in an official ceremony in Yad Vashem, including those with authorization to sport a beard. Anyone wishing to take part in the ceremony would have to shave.

Soldiers were particularly upset as the venue for the ceremony was Yad Vashem which represents the struggle to maintain one’s Jewishness.

0404 News adds that the IDF Spokesman confirmed the facts are accurate and bearded soldiers were indeed prohibited from participating in the Yad Vashem event as reported.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

13 Responses

  1. Yidden, please leave Israel while you sill can. The rishay yisroel along with their goyish counterparts that were torturing yidden in the Russian gulags, and in the nazi death camps, came up to Eretz yisroel, along with the shaeris hapleita who nebech believed that it was aschalta digeulah, and they were quietly killing yidden both berochnius and begashmius, we’re doing it for quite some time clandestinely. The past few years they have no fear of anyone anymore, and are doing their working open in the public. They are the majority of the Knesset haminin, they run the bagatz, the jails the police, the army. The time will come when Hashem will collect us from the nations of the world, and bring us back home, and Hashem will deal with these reshoyim in the harshest manner, as it says, ויצאו וראו בפיגרי האנשים הפושעים בי.. והיו דיראון לכל בשר ,but obviously that time hasn’t come. So please please leave those accursed people to fight the accursed Arabs, so the land will be ready for the chosen people, when the time is ripe

  2. Reply to No.1

    Your hateful and mindless rant about the leadership of the IDF is despicable. The “beard policy” has been a subject of debate in military organizations throughout the world. While I personally believe that the chayalim should be allowed to have beards where it will not interfere with their military responsibilities, its not such a big deal and they should simply go along with the rules as is required for military discipline. If not, don’t reenlist when your tour of duty is over.

  3. Reply to #3

    Ah, so the reason they were banned from a yad vshem ceremony was because of the “beard policy”, now we understand. How gullible u will blindly follow to their tune.
    Let me ask you, is it also the “beard policy” that allowing them to “legally” kidnap children and torture them till they’re almost dead phisically? Or is it the “beard policy” that is allowing then force these same kinapped children to be mechalel shabbes?

    Once again, I’m telling you, we haven’t seen the end of the suffering that yidden are going to see from these erev rav. I’m not sure if we can call it 1936 Europe déjàvu, but it’s definitely a wake up call.

  4. minnypinny and Gadolhadorah – you two are on opposite ends of the same trief pole!

    Gadolhadorah – you are tainted by the Secular Zionism, Nationalism, and Western Culture. You try to defend Rashayim by stating that “The “beard policy” has been a subject of debate in military organizations throughout the world.” However, we are Jews! WE DO NOT LOOK TOWARDS THE GOYIM FOR GUIDANCE ON MAKING OUR RULES! WE LOOK AT THE TORAH. THE ZOHAR STATES THAT IT IS “PROHIBITED” TO CUT THE BEARD. THE “IDF” IS NOT HOLIER THAN THE ZOHAR!

    minnypinny – You state, “Yidden, please leave Israel while you sill can.” Your reasoning “stated” is that there are Rashayim here in Israel that are in control. A little secret for you… the reason they are in control is because Frum Jews like you remain in Chutz L’Aretz! If all you Frum Jews would be here we would be too numerous for them to handle. We could take control and hopefully bring about the Geula.

    Another secret for you. The truth is that you are tainted by a false sense of security in America. Hashem does not like when Jews get to comfortable living among the nations. Just like in all other countries throughout history when the Jews became too comfortable the Goyim spat them out, so too will happen in America. (See Meshech Chochma and commentaries on Taanis 19a, concerning Choni HaMaagel.)

  5. Concerning the IDF… if this is what is happening when the number of religious Jews in the military is small can you imagine what atrocities they would do if they would have been successful drafting us all?! Being in the Army places you under their control. Even the Rav of the IDF does not have control to “veto” discriminatory rules. He can only submit a “request” to rescind it. That’s not good!

  6. I have to agree with #1
    Check out the Canadian MINSTER OF DEFENSE, a Sikh wears a turban and has a bread many chasidim can be jealous of, apparently his beard did not interfere with his military duties.

  7. Reply to No.1:

    It is a mitzvah to live in Eretz Yisrael. Many opinions forbid leaving EY unless there is a need for 3-4 listed reasons. The Ramban states that living in chutz la’aretz is like serving avoda zara and certai poskim maintain that the obligation in chutz la’aretz to keep mitzvos is only a derabanan.

    You are contending that if Yiddishkeit is difficult then run away from it. I am not sure that everyone would agree with that.

    Maybe a better answer would be that more frum Jews should come to EY and in that way we will have more power to change the system.

    Be well, chag kasher vesameach & Leshana Haba’a Berisushalayim Habnuya.

  8. # 1 you can leave your satmar garbage in Kiryas Yoel and enjoy your lifestyle, and by the way, since I see you know exactly what Hashem will deal, how would he deal with you, knowing you are using “treif” internet, and not even for business…

  9. TO # 1:

    eretz yisroel is for yidden, but we have to fight for it. To run away is what the seculars and the Muslims want.

  10. Religious soldiers for whom wearing a beard is important should be excited at this ruling that they need not attend official ceremonies. Attending official ceremonies is not what they came to the army for. They joined the army in order to protect the nation and kill the enemy. If they are barred from official ceremonies they will have time to learn Torah and perform mitzvos, for which reason they came to the world.

  11. For 60 plus years, there have been soldiers serving in the IDF with beards. All of sudden, someone in the army has an epiphany: yo’, all those beards!! No good! And started making up borscht excuses why soldiers shouldn’t have beards. It’s anti-frum hogwash that has nothing to do with anything factual regarding soldiers’ ability to serve.

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