Only 2 Hours Left to Help BJX Bring Back Yidden


Who hasn’t learned Torah from the Bnei Yissachar, or the Shela HaKadosh? They were Gedolei Hador and their contributions to Yiddishkeit are legendary. Who would imagine that in 2016 their descendants would be living in Brooklyn as assimilated Jews? Recently two young professionals that attended local public schools and secular colleges were introduced to Rav Yitzchok Fingerer, Mora d’Asra of the Brooklyn Jewish Xperience (BJX). BJX, a muti-faceted successful outreach/inreach organization and Beis Medrash has impacted many lives in the community. Through Ahavas Yisroel and Torah learning, the Rav and his brother, Rabbi Moshe Fingerer, whet the appetite of these young men to learn more and observe Shabbos for the first time. The first young man went to learn in Israel. Upon returning to BJX he shared the fact that he discovered while in Eretz Yisroel that he is a direct descendent (ben acher ben) of the Shela HaKadosh! In fact, he’s a Levi and shares the same name as the Shela. Interestingly, the second fellow discovered that he is descendant of the Bnei Yissachar and other Gedolei Yisroel! Can we imagine the sheer simcha of their Heilige Zeides in Shamayim that their Eineklach have come back?

BJX provides secular Jews with the necessary tools to incorporate Judaism into their lives. While BJX has numerous stories of secular people who have embraced a Torah lifestyle, BJX doesn’t limit their activities to outreach. “BJX is especially proud of its efforts to be mekarev numerous adults from Chassidic and Yeshivish homes that strayed,” said Rabbi Moshe Fingerer, executive director of BJX. BJX brought back the son of a prominent Chassidishe Rebbe who completely walked away from his Yiddishkeit as well as the grandson of one of the Gedolei Hador, among many other Yidden from Yeshivish and Chassidishe families. BJX also offers preventive educational programming and positive role models to Orthodox youth and adults. This summer BJX ran a successful summer vocational program that helped rehabilitate many at-risk youth, enabling them to be accepted into more mainstream yeshivos.

How does BJX perform these miracles and how do they fund their shul, classes, and centers that have saved lives and built Yiddishe families?

The next 24 hours is your chance to not only save a life but to help transform an entire community. Please donate now: According the the terms of the campaign, we only have 24 hours to raise crucial funds!

BJX opens their doors to college students and young professionals each Pesach with a delectable Seder. “All who are hungry come and eat,” isn’t lip service taken from the Haggadah but actually fulfilled at BJX. The Seder is exclusively geared for people (ages 20-34) who have been unfortunately deprived of a Jewish upbringing and are spiritually famished. They enjoy the beautiful meal and learn about their heritage. BJX needs your support to continue their incredible work of furthering Torah and Yiddishkeit and returning Hashem’s lost children. TODAY every single dollar you give will be QUADRUPLED (x 4) by generous donors!

BJX is building a community for Jews of all backgrounds to love being Jewish and be connected to their roots. Their helpline is open to address any issue and the BJX staff works tirelessly to keep people inspired and offer encouragement. If BJX can’t raise $60,000 today then they will lose everything that was donated. It’s ALL or NOTHING.

Please donate now:

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