Three Religious Jews Attacked With Gas Canisters in London

nna“Hitler is on the way to you, Heil Hitler, Heil Hitler, Heil Hitler!”

These were the words that accompanied the physical attack on three religious Jews in the Haringey section of Northern London, as reported in the London Jewish Standard.

There were three men in a white pickup truck who shouted these words before hurling the small gas canisters.

There has been a serious uptick in anti-Semitic incidents in England, especially in London.

The incident occurred at the retail park in Tottenham Hale at about 7:45pm.

A spokesman for Shomrim, the Jewish neighbourhood watch group, said the victims, who were wearing traditional religious clothes, were left shaken but not injured.

Shomrim volunteer Michael Blayer remarked, “This behaviour is appalling, the victims were innocent shoppers at the Tottenham Hale retail park, and they were targeted because they were visibly Jewish. The verbal abuse was disgusting, and small objects were thrown towards the victims, making them fear for their immediate safety.”

A spokesman for Scotland Yard said the matter has been reported to police.


3 Responses

  1. between these Nazi thugs in England and the frum thugs in Mea Shareem yelling Nazis at the police, it is a shame we can’t bring them together….

  2. Hitler is NOT on his way to us, however, the muslims are already in the process of taking over Europe. All these senseless anti-Semites are turning their hatred to the Jews, They are in the process of losing their own countries yet all they focus on is their hatred of Jews. What a bunch of losers.

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