Chief Rabbi Of England Backs Teaching Islam In Jewish Schools

mirvisIn an interview with London’s premiere Jewish newspaper, the Jewish Chronicle, the Chief Rabbi of England, Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis’s spokesperson said that teaching Islam will give children the opportunity to learn about a “poorly understood” religion.

British schools, according to laws just past, must attempt to teach two faiths as part of their curriculum in order to receive a General Certificate of Secondary Education certification in religious studies.

“It is more important than ever that our children have a better understanding of Islam and that we build strong relationships with British Muslims,” the spokesman for Mirvis told the paper.

“As such, the Chief Rabbi has recommended that schools take this opportunity to teach students Islam, a faith which is widely discussed but often poorly understood in public discourse,” the spokesman said.

Rabbi Mirvis was raised in South Africa. After moving to Israel in 1973, Rabbi Mirvis learned at Yeshivat Kerem B’Yavneh from 1973 to 1976 and Yeshivat Har Etzion from 1976 to 1978.


16 Responses

  1. Why doesn’t this Chief “Rabbi” start lessons on Islam with the following:
    “The Day of Judgement will not come about until Muslims fight the Jews, when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Muslims, O Abdullah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him. Only the Gharkad tree, (the Boxthorn tree) would not do that because it is one of the trees of the Jews. (related by al-Bukhari and Muslim).Sahih Muslim, 41:6985, see also Sahih Muslim, 41:6981, Sahih Muslim, 41:6982, Sahih Muslim, 41:6983, Sahih Muslim, 41:6984, Sahih al-Bukhari, 4:56:791,(Sahih al-Bukhari, 4:52:177)”

  2. That is the most insane thing I’ve ever heard. That is the the one religion who’s essence is the exact opposite of Judaism. Islam stands for violence and hatred. How can they teach that in a Jewish school??? That is horrible

  3. THAT’s what’s been missing all these years in the Jewish educational curriculum! Islam! Too bad we wasted all these years trying to teach kids about JUDAISM!

  4. Perhaps they should teach Judaism, it too is a “poorly understood religion” in the JSSM network (Jewish Secondary Schools Movement).

  5. all europeans including the yidden are begining to have warped minds. this reminds me what I read about pre wwII.
    Islam is a religion of hate that wants the extermination of everyone besides for muslims…. perhaps this rabbi is thinking that if islam is allowed then hopefully judaism will be allowed or that it will look like were good friends with the muslims so they wont hurt us.. joke!!! They hate us and want us out into the sea… nothing will help….

  6. …and Christianity? Can’t we build a closer relationship with Christians that way as well? While we are at it add Church of Scientology as well! Bottom line, Chazal has told us time and time again to stay away from such ideology!

    It’s a shame that someone in such a prestigious position would hold such a foolish view.

  7. Firstly it doesn’t say in the text anything about Jewish Schools. And I would recommend for the Chief Rabbi as well as Jewish Schools to learn TRUE DAAS TORAH!

  8. Did any of the people that posted above grow up in England??
    I did. The school system is very different there. Read the above article carefully. The article does not refer to the private orthodox schools, that anyway get to choose their own curriculum. They are referring to Jewish Public Schools that are largely funded by the government just like any other public school. Many of these schools cater to non frum jews that still want to send their kids to Jewish schools. Unfortunately it seems that this news law has been passed and in order to retain funding the Public Jewish Schools have to make a choice; either follow the curriculum or lose funding and as a result lose a lot of jews to non-jewish public schools.

  9. i happen to agree with him and i think that it is a very smart move. ill try to explain,
    1)if u read the article u will c that he is obligated by the gov to teach about another religion. now once we all agree that he must do so, he can perhaps choose Christianity R’L, now if he does so, it is an halachic problem and it strongly contradicts our religion (check Igeres hurambam regarding praying in a musk vs praying in church)and it is Usir. the fundamental believe of christianity is about jesus, mesiah and u cant teach christianity without risking serious halacha issues. now, if u take a look into islam, they believe in the same g-d as we but lets say they perhaps impose hate towards ppl and especialy to us Jews, it would be so great, a)there is no risk of halacha b)no risk of someone converting to islam (it will probably do the oposite) c) it will probably reduce the hate from islams towards us by seeing that we teach their religion.
    now, try to put your emotions aside and explain with logic.

  10. Let’s be “dan l’kaf zechus”. There is a political reality that a Chief Rabbi has to deal with that none of us fully understand. Perhaps this statement addresses that aspect rather than an “on the ground” plan.

  11. Islam is poorly understood, because there is nothing there to Understand! The Rambam refers to Mahamad as אותו משוגה!

  12. If they’re forced to teach something, Islam makes the most sense.
    We are allowed to go into a mosque but not a church or a temple of Buddhists.
    Islam is a monotheistic religion.

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