9 Facts that Could Possibly Identify North Korea’s Kim Jong Un as Gog of MaGog

kimThe following is via OnlySimchas.com:

Before you dismiss this, here are some fascinating facts:

1. The prophet Yechezkel (chapters 38-39) describes the future battle that will be instigated by Gog of Magog.

2. The defeat of Gog will precipitate the Messianic Redemption.

3. We are uncertain as to the identity of Gog of Magog.

4. Ashkenazic Jews seem to have a tradition to add an “N” in the first syllable to names after a long vowel. Hence “Yaakov” becomes “Yaankov” or “Yankel.”

5. Yemenite Jews seem t have a tradition to pronounce the first “Gimel” in a word with a “J” sound. Hence “Gimel” is “Jimel.”

6. If we combine both of these ancient traditions of pronunciation, we get the pronunciation of “Jong” from the Hebrew word “Gog.”


18 Responses

  1. Have you possibly confused Chanukah for Purim? YWN’s credibility has just dropped many-fold. To take nevu’os and ancient traditions and to misrepresent and misuse them, let alone make a mockery of them and decrease our sensitivity to/for them is inexcusable.

  2. The inserted “n” in Yaankov is unique to the ayin – ע – and is an attempt to pronounce it more closely in accordance with the way CHaZa”L and the seforim describe.

  3. Not that this article needs a serious response but the nun is actually an attempt to mimic the guttural sound of the ayin. No ayin in gog.

  4. Your “9 Facts that Could Possibly Identify North Korea’s Kim Jong Un as Gog of MaGog” are actually only one…..and a silly one at that….

  5. Oh, please. You’re giving the little boy more credit than he’s worth.

    Gog uMagog is among Eisav and the nations of the world against Yishmael (see Zohar haKadosh, end of parashas Vayera).

    Bnei Kedem are not involved.

  6. Sheer stupidity, based on a complete lack of knowledge of dikduk.

    The N in Yankel has to do with it being an Ayin, not a long vowel. There is no Ayin in “Gog”.

    The Yemenite Jimel has nothing to do with the first letter of a word. It has to do with if it has a dagesh. On the contrary, the first letter of a word usually does have a dagesh and would be a hard Gimmel.

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