New Chazon Ish Sefer Just Released

chazon ish seferBy Rabbi Yair Hoffman for the Five Towns Jewish Times

Rav Avrohom Yeshayahu Karelitz zatzal, also known as the Chazon Ish, passed away on October 24th, 1953. His sforim, called Sefer Chazon Ish, have become classics in the Torah world, but it has been over sixty years since one of its volumes have been introduced to the Torah world.

Until now.

Recently, a new volume of the series has been released, entitled, “Sefer Chazon Ish: Shailos uTeshuvos v’Chiddushim.”

The Sefer is divided into three sections: Psakim [rulings], Gilyonos [unpublished writings culled from his writings next to sforim], and Ksavim – previously unpublished writings.
The preface does state clearly that this volume is substantively different than the ones previously published under the Chazon Ish’s own aegis. However, because others have been quoting the Chazon Ish on the unpublished material, the family felt that it was time to release it in the best and most accurate form that it can.

The Ksavim were the product of the Chazon Ish’s initial approach to the sugya, and thus may not be representative of his final views on the matter. The Gilyonos are quite fascinating – thery were culled from the margins of the Seforim that he owned.

In the Psakim section there are some fascinating rulings (most of these were culled from letters to others it seems). Sofrim would be excited to see his opinions on the Aleph, Rabbeinu Tam’s view on the Kotzo shel yud, and the upside down yud on the Tzadek. He discusses Mechitzos (Siman 28) and how it is forbidden to be able to see from the men’s section to the women’s section. He discusses the methodology of the Vilna Gaon in his comments to the Shulchan Aruch, that if he ,in fact, disagreed, he would have voiced it. Thus if it is unclear as to his position one can make a tacit assumption that he agrees with the Shulchan Aruch.

There are fascinating new insights into the 39 malachos of Shabbos; his views on various aspects of hilchos Eiruvin; a list of what to watch out for when baking Matzos (Siman 110); a letter encouraging a sick person who is dangerously ill to eat on Yom Kippur and to perform this Mitzvah with Simchah – joy! (Siman 118).

He discusses the preference to send out Shviis esrogim to chutz laAretz when there is a chance that the Mitzvah will not be properly observed otherwise (Siman 378), as long as no business is done with it There is a fascinating esteem-building letter to someone at the end of which is appended agreement to the minhag to eat before tekiyas Shofar (Siman 117). He discusses a topic that recently came up about taking down a Sukkah on Chol HaMoed when necessary – he is lenient.

In the Gilyonos section, we observe the Chazon Ish unfolding the reasoning of the Rambam in Hilchos Maachalos Asuros in distinguishing between a treif egg and a tameh egg. This is an explanation that may perhaps be obvious but not found previously (page 200). There are a few comments also culled from his Tur and Shulchan Aruch but there are only a handful. On page 206-207 he asks three questions on various responsa of Rabbi Akiva Eiger.

In Siman 408 he disagrees with the Yad Malachi on his explanation that “Zu mishnas Chacam ploni” is a rejection of the rationale of that opinion. The Chazon Ish cites proofs otherwise.

There is also a section of his comments on a Sefer of the writings of the Kovno Kollel in Slabodka (which had been reprinted 30 years ago by a Rabbi formerly at a shul in the Five Towns). The Chazon Ish comments on a piece written by Rabbi Dovid Leibowitz zatzal founder of Yeshiva Chofetz Chaim in Queens (217). Since Rav Dovid Leibowitz’s yartzeit is on the 15th of Kislev it is interesting if anyone will give a shiur defending Rav Leibowitz from the Chazon Ish’s questions (page 217). There is not too much time to prepare, though. In the same sefer the Chazon Ish also attacks a piece from Rav Yaakov Kamenetsky. His yartzeit is the 29th of Adar, so there is more time to prepare for that one.

In the Ksavim section, there are a few h’aros on Mesechta brachos, more on Eiruvin, a further exposition on the Chazon Ish’s unique views on Challah taking. A fascinating section on Muktzah and Basis Platform-Based Muktzah (259). When a person purposefully places an otherwise Muktzah item on top of another item as a platform – the platform becomes Muktzah as well. For example, if someone placed a camera on the bed in the guestroom, the bed becomes Muktzah as well. Previously, the thinking of many Poskim was that there were three explanations to this: One explanation is that the platform becomes nullified to the item itself, and it loses its individual identity. This is the explanation of Rashi (Shabbos 47a). Another explanation is that when a person purposefully places a Muktzah item on this platform, he has in mind that he will not use the bed over Shabbos. This is the explanation provided by Tosfos in Beitzah . A third explanation is that a person has in mind that he will not use anything that is subordinate to the Muktzah item. The Chazon Ish’s writing provide a different approach.

There is no question that this Sefer will soon be found in the bookcase of every Beis Midrash in the world and will be a classic instantly. Seforim that deal with halacha and learning will certainly take into account his newly revealed opinions. This sefer will certainly cause a storm in teh Torah world. It is a fascinating work.

The author can be reached at [email protected]

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